Otsego Proclamation 11-15-1990WHHREASr STATE OF MiN(8 A 0 tl cs(rp NOV F 01990 Sscrettcrtf of state n(usus Proclamation. On September 11,(000,the munlc(pal board proclaimed Otsego Co be Minnesota's ESSth city;and WHEREASr Otsego's nsw logo.which encourages community splr(t and friendship,depicts Otsego's lmnoromlc location with two points of significance —the closeness to ths t((sties(pp( River nnd its place on the Great River Road;and WHEREAS:The name Otsego is a wonl compounded of eot,s a place of meeting,and "sago,"the ord(nary cerm of aalu(at(on used by the Native Americans see(ed in the New York area; and WHEREAS:(n Otto,t(bmesota,sFrlendly tleetlng place"ls the offtclal translation for the name-an appropriate name for an escltlng new city(and wHEREAs(The alt(term of otsego wel hold a Fau celebration and open House co cetebrate che(r H(rth-Doy on October Sr,1900( (sow,THEREFQRE,(,Rudy perp(eh,Governor of lhe state of sflnnesota,do hereby proc(elm November 10.1000 to be THE CITl'F OTSEGO DAY ln hilnnesota. 0 gill . t "(ceres ZM~A~ IH WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto sst my bond and caused the Great Sesi of the state of S(amoco(a to be affined at the State Cap(to( this twenty-seventh day of october ln the year of our Lonf one thousarul nine hundred and ninety,and af the State the one hundred thirty-second. fG 0 V H R N 0 P