04-21-08 BRCITY OF OTSEGO BOARD OF REVIEW MONDAY, APRIL 21, 2008 6:30 PM OTSEGO CITY HAIL 1 Mayor Larry Fournier will call the 2008 Board of Review to order. Mayor Fournier called the 2008 Board of Review to order at 6:30 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Jessica Stockamp, Mark Thorsted and Tom Darkenwald. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, Clerk/Zoning Administrator and attending from the Wright County Assessor's Office were Keith Triplett, Tony Rasmuson and Wally Peterson. 2. Comments by the Assessor. Keith Triplett explained the purpose of the Board of Review to review valuation and classification payable 2009. He also explained the authority of the local Board. Mr. Triplett said the history period for the 2008 Board of Review is from October 2006 through September of 2007. Next, he went over his 2008 City of Otsego Assessment Memo (attached). 3. Review valuations of property owners. Cynthia Dols 1554879 th St NE PID 118-090-002040 EMV $262,600 Ms. Dols explained that the 2008 EMV was $283,000 and was reduced to $262,000 but she feels the valuation is still too high. Keith Triplett explained that Ms. Dols valuation decreased by about 7.5%, which is typically higher, decrease than what other properties are receiving. He also said she paid $265,000 for this property in 2005. Mr. Triplett said that all across the City valuations went down 5% except for Ag buildings. James and Cindy Clemens 1247165th Street NE PID 118-194-003050 EMV $264,800 Mr. Triplett said this property was reviewed and the classification was wrong and recommended lowering the valuation to $220,300. Peter & Siriluk Tulisaari 7566 LaSalle Avenue NE PID 118-197-002070 EMV $338,200 11 Page Mr. Tulisaari said he talked to Keith Triplett today as he was concerned with the Star Tribune article. He just wanted to compare his valuation to others. He now understands and just attended this evening to listen and is fine with his valuation. Mark and LuAnn Helgeson 10200 Kadler Avenue NE PID 118-121-006170 EMV $256,800 Mr. Helgeson said, just like Mr. Tulisaari, was attending to observe and listen. Mr. Triplett said there were some inaccuracies to the current valuation and recommended a reduction of $9,400 down to $247,400. PHONE CALLS William and Roxanne Harstad 13575 89th Street NE PID 118-086-001040 EMV $344,500 Mr. Triplett received a phone call from Mr. Harstad and in reviewing this property he recommended a reduction of $13,100 for a total valuation of $331,400. ACTION Cynthia Dols 15548 79th St NE PID 118-090-002040 Mayor Fournier motioned to lower the valuation to $262,000 as recommended by the City Assessor. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. James and Cindy Clemens 1247165th Street NE PID 118-194-003050 CM Heidner motioned to lower the valuation from $264,800 to $220,300 (building). Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. William and Roxanne Harstad 13575 89th Street NE PID 118-086-001040 CM Heidner motioned to reduce the valuation from $344,500 to $331,400 (building). Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 21 Page 4. Review any letters received. Linda Talbot James Talbot 17800 River Rd NE PID 118-500-361300 EMV $4,123,700 Mr. Triplett said he made an error by erasing depreciation on building which made the valuation go up and recommended lowering the valuation to $3,953,100. CM Thorsted motioned to restore the depreciation on the building therefore lowering the valuation to $3,953,100. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. S. Continue Board of Review to April 28, 2008. (Must be held within 20 days of April 21, 2008). CM Thorsted motioned to adjourn the 2008 Board of Review. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:35 PM. Mayor Larry Fournier Attest: Judy Hudson, Clerk 31 Page