05-12-08 CCITEM 3_1
MAY 12, 2008
6:30 PM
1. Mayor Larry Fournier will call the meeting to order.
Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Jessica
Stockamp, Mark Thorsted and Tom Darkenwald.
Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning
Administrator; Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron
Wagner, City Engineer and Gary Groen, Director of Finance and Kurt
Neidermeyer, PeopleService.
Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Fournier led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Consider agenda approval.
CM Stockamp removed 11.1. Mayor Fournier added 9.8. County Road
resurfacing, 9.9. Corbin yard restoration; Mike Robertson added 12.1. Set
employee meeting, CM Heidner added 8.2. Sign Ordinance for modification by
Planning Commission.
CM Heidner motioned adoption of the agenda as amended. Seconded
by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried.
3. Consider the following minutes.
3.1. April 16, 2008 City Council Workshop.
CM Heidner motioned adoption. Seconded by CM Thorsted. All in
favor. Motion carried.
3.2. April 28, 2008 City Council Meeting.
Mayor Fournier motioned adoption. Seconded by CM Heidner. CM
Thorsted abstained because he was absent. Motion carried.
A. Open Forum: (5 minute limit)
No one appeared on Open Forum.
5. Consent Agenda. (Non -controversial items).
5.1. Approve Claims List.
5.2. Request for Accounting Assistance.
5.3. Adopt DNR Water Supply Plan.
CM Heidner motioned adoption of Consent
Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried.
Agenda. Seconded by CM
6. Old Business.
6.1. Approve Otsego Festival Donation.
Rose Cassady and Kathy Roberts from the Festival Committee were in
attendance. Andy MacArthur said that he has drawn up an agreement for the
Festival to enter into with the City regarding the use of Prairie Park. Mr.
MacArthur and Gary Groen met with Rose Cassady prior to this meeting and she
agrees with the document and they also went over expenditure accounting.
City Council Meeting May 12, 20011, Page 2.
Rose Cassady, Otsego Festival Chair, said her receipts for last year's Festival are
for over $12,000. She said there is no problem in keeping track of and retaining
the receipts. Council would like to set a value in the contract. The values were
set at, meeting rental $500, park rental $5,000 and cash donation $5,000.
CM Darkenwald motioned to approve a donation of $10,500 (Meeting
rental $500, Park Rental $5,000 and Cash Donation $5,000) Seconded
by CM Thorsted. All in favor. Motion carried.
7. Public Works.
Mike said that Wright -Hennepin Electric will install a street light at 677h Circle and
CSAH 37 soon.
8. Dan Licht, City Planner.
8.1. Island View Bluff.
Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report. Mike Brandvold, Engineer, agreed with
the conditions. Ron Wagner showed where the erosion is occurring. CM Heidner
would like to see a tree preservation plan that goes with the title. He also would
like to see that the plat is recorded before any work begins. Dan Licht explained
this is standard language in all platting. Andy said the Tree Preservation Plan
will be put in the Developer's Agreement. Dan Licht said the City will require a
Vegetation Removal Permit if homeowners want to remove any trees. This was
added to Condition No. 3. Judy Hudson suggested an article in the News Letter
regarding tree preservation along the river.
CM Heidner motioned to approve a Conditional Use Permit and
Preliminary/ Final Plat for Lots 14 and 15, Block 7, Island View Estates
and Lot 1, Block 1, Island View Bluff to allow development of
substandard lots within the Wild and Scenic District pursuant to
Section 20-61-5.0 and 20-95-5 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to the
nine conditions listed in the Findings of Fact dated 5-7-08 with
modification to Condition No. 3 as discussed above. Seconded by CM
Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried.
8.2. Sign Ordinance Modification.
CM Heidner explained that there is special allowance for political signs in Election
Years. He suggested modifying section 8-1 to 10 days after election for signs.
Council and staff discussed non-commercial and non-profit signs.
City Council wants to go with non-commercial wording every year.
CM Heidner motioned to direct the Planning Commission to modify the
sign ordinance to allow non-exempt signs for non-commercial use
during the period of August 1 to ten days ofter the first Tuesday in
November of every year. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor.
Motion carried.
9. Ron Wagner, City Engineer.
9.1. Consider Resolutions 2008-30 Accepting Quantrelle Avenue
Feasibility Report, Order Plans and Specifications and Setting Public
City Council Meeting May 12, 2008. Page 3.
Ron Wagner presented the project, cost options, funding and schedule. Mr.
Wagner said the City Staff is meeting with Riverwood Mobile Home Association
on Tuesday. Ron said the state has made it clear the city must eventually make
the Riverwood Mobile Home Association hook up to city sewer. Mr. Wagner said
they use 3 septic systems and he is not sure if there is room for any new ones
because most of the site is in the flood plain. Kurt Neidermeyer said this
additional flow could be handled at the sewer plant. CM Heidner asked if this
land is usable for anything else. Mr. Wagner said nothing other than a park.
The Public Hearing was set for June 9 at 5:30 PM.
CM Darkenwald motioned to adopt Resolution 2008-30 accepting the
Feasibility Study, ordering preparation of plans & specifications, and
ordering a public hearing for watermain and sanitary sewer extension
along Quantrelle Avenue, with Option 2. Seconded by CM Heidner. All
in favor. Motion carried.
Ron Wagner went over the project and recommends the City approve the Study
and establish a South Queens Avenue Storm Water District. Mr. Wagner said
this is a plan for the future when the area develops.
CM Thorsted motioned to adopt Resolution 2008-31 accepting trunk
storm water sewer study for Queens Avenue from CSAH 36 to 60I'
Street. Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried.
9.3 Consider Resolution 2008-27 Accepting Bid and Awarding Contract
to Hennen Construction Co., Inc for the Riverpointe Trunk
Watermain Extension Project (COP 08-08) in the Amount of
Ron Wagner went over the bids.
CM Heidner motioned adoption of 2008-27 accepting bid contingent
upon US Homes giving the City an easement over Riverplace 3'd at no
cost. Seconded by CM Thorsted. All in favor. Motion carried.
9.4 Consider Resolution 2008-28 Accepting Bid and Awarding Contract
to Automatic Systems Co. for the Water Tower #3 SCADA (COP 08-
09) in the Amount of $41,767.00.
CM Heidner motioned adoption of 2008-28 accepting bid. Seconded by
CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried.
9.5 Consider Resolution 2008-29 Accepting Bid and Awarding Contract
to Automatic Systems Co. for the Pressure Control Station #1
SCADA (COP 08-10) in the Amount of $16,712.00.
CM Heidner motioned to adopt Resolution 2008-29. Seconded by CM
Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried.
9.6 Discussion of Kadler Avenue Corridor Preservation — "Official
Ron Wagner reviewed what is required for preliminary engineering for the future
Kadler Avenue interchange. Gary Groen said there is money in the road access
fund and the revolving capital improvement fund. Dan Licht explained the City
City Council Meeting May 12, 2008. Page 4.
would need to be prepared to purchase ROW if a landowner comes in and wants
to develop.
CM Heidner motioned to start the efforts for the Kadler Avenue
Corridor Preservation for an estimated three year project and not to
exceed $158,550 for engineering. Seconded by CM Stockamp. CM
Daricenwald abstained. Motioned carried.
9.7 Consider tiaras Order #3 for Well #8/Raw Waterrnain
(Modifications to Pumoho= #2):
Ron Wagner reviewed the change order.
CM Heidner motioned to approve Mange Order #3 etc., contingent on
elecbical modifications costing $20,000 or less. Seconded by CM
Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried.
9.8. 2008 Pavement Preservation Construction Upddo by Wright
Ron Wagner went over the County's plans.
9.9. Corbin yard restoration.
Ron Wagner will resolve this.
10. Andrew MacArthur,
10.1. Noise Ordinance.
CM Heidner handed out copies of Section 5-".0 of the City Code regarding
nuisance noise. CM HeIdner states that the wording of this pnvvision is confusing
related to noise from 7:OOAM to 10:OOPM and that Deputies are interpreting the
section to mean any amplified device is allowed at any volume during these
hours. CM Stockamp agreed, mentioning complaints the Police Commission has
received. Mr. Licht and Mr. MacArthur suggested clarifying the section by
amending the City Code to include the reference to the tours of 10:00PM and
7:OOAM under the conditions of prima facae evidence of a violation of this
section. Motion by CM Heidner to admit Ordinance 2008-10 amending
Section 5-8-5.0 of the City Code regarding nuisance noise. Seconded
by Mayor Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried.
C_�« 11 t 1;�.
12. Mike . •itis!, i a, Admi
.gly Meetl Lrig.
After discussion, • a decided t c• t r -e meeting was not needed. Counf
directed t ter. ' to finish the - I t - Plan.
14. Aftum by 10 PM.
CM Stockamp motioned to %,xUw rn at 9:38 PM. Seconded by CM
Darkenwaid. All in favor. Motion carried.
City Council Meeting May 12, 2008. Page S.
Mayor Larry Fournier
Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Admin.
Written by: Tami Loff, Deputy Clerk