06-03-08ITEM 3_1 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP And SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2008 5:30 PM OTSEGO CITY HALL 1. Mayor Fournier called the Workshop to order. Mayor Fournier called the Workshop/Special City Council Meeting to order at 5:32 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fourier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Jessica Stockamp, Mark Thorsted and Tom Darkenwald. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Gary Groen, Finance Director; Ron Wagner, City Engineer and Jeff Golden, Assistant City Engineer and Andy MacArthur, City Attorney. 2. Discuss Street Renewal Assessment Policy. Ron Wagner reviewed the proposed policy. CM Darkenwald would like to know adjacent cities are doing. CM Heidner would like to see 100% assessment for curb. Council supported the 50 — 50 assessment. The Council discussed the 16.4 miles of gravel roads left in the City. CM Heidner suggested that if you added all the costs of maintaining gravel roads maybe these roads should be paved and assessed. They would like the Engineer to prepare a comparison of maintaining gravel vs. paved roads. Andy MacArthur suggested establishing a formal Capital Improvement Plan with a public hearing. 4. Any other items. 4.1. Riverplace Second Addition, Reimbursement Agreement. Andy MacArthur went over the agreement and Gary Groen said he also had reviewed it and had no problems with it. CM Heidner motioned to enter into agreement with concurrently obtaining easements as recommended by the City Engineer. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Discussion of Mayor Transition. The City Attorney reviewed State Law regarding appointing a new Mayor. 5. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM. Mayor Larry Fournier ATTEST: Judy Hudson, Clerk