05-23-22 Special City Council MinutesSPECIAL OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, MAY 23, 2022 5:30 PM OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER Call to Order. Acting Mayor Tom Darkenwald called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. Roll Call: Acting Mayor Tom Darkenwald; Councilmembers: Brittany Moores, Jeff Dahl, and Tina Goede. Absent: Mayor Jessica Stockamp. City Staff: City Administrator/Finance Director Adam Flaherty, Human Resources/Assistant City Administrator Sabrina Hille; City Attorney Dave Kendall (arrived at 7:55); City Engineer Ron Wagner; City Planner Daniel Licht; and Deputy City Clerk Bethany Benting. 1. Progress Report: Emergency Services Study. Jerry Streich, Capstone Public Sector Solutions went over the progress report slideshow presentation as included in the packet. Councilmembers talked about their priorities noting a fire station would likely be built. They are concerned about medical response times which include PSA issues related to response times. The Council feels having more control could lead to faster response times. CM Dahl questioned how all Fire Chief will communicate/interact if the City decided to have partners. It was noted that if the City chose the partnership model, the respective Fire Chief would be at the table with the Council having discussions and guiding decisions. CM Moores commented that in the City survey residents said that only a small percentage of them would consider becoming a volunteer. Jerry advised no matter what decision is made that Council stays flexible with the model for the new generations when surveyed will not do things for free, they would like to be paid. CM Darkenwald asked if language could be used in the RFP stating the City of Otsego could start to pay less to use equipment knowing the City might be purchasing their own. It was noted that this would have to be negotiated with a partner, but current contracts require the City to pay a portion of the capital costs. CM Moores talked about possible fire station locations and asked what would be a good central location. Jerry suggested they get an additional opinion to make sure the current suggested site is the best solution. Jerry went over pros and cons of the professional service agreement. Councilmembers talked about having a single contract or multiple, having a consistent service for the whole city vs. counting on other cities. CM Goede commented the Public Safety Commission in general would like to have better response time for Otsego both in fire and medical. The outsource providers relay messages to the commission that they are having a hard time finding volunteers and full-time employee's period. CM Goede also stated she is leaning towards a professional service agreement. Page 1 of 3 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 23, 2022 CM Dahl asked if there is a budget item for now. Adam said there is a fund that is being used to accumulate resources for future fire protection related expenditures. CM Moores wanted clarification that grants may be applied to equipment and staffing if the City would build a fire station. Jerry said not only Otsego but surrounding cities could apply for grants. Overall, the main discussion was about how much control does the city want. The Council members asked for more information about costs to get to the next step knowing that this discussion will continue to happen at a later date. Councilmembers are wanting to do what's best for the residents of the City of Otsego. CM Goede motioned to continue the special meeting after the regular meeting at 6:53 PM, seconded by CM Moores. All in favor. Motion carried 4-0. Acting Mayor Darkenwald motioned to continue the meeting at 7:54 PM, seconded by CM Moores. All in favor. Motion carried 4-0. 2 Closed Session — Consider Offer for the Purchase of Real Property (MN Statute 13D.05, Subd. 3, (C-3). Acting Mayor Darkenwald stated this meeting will be closed in accordance with Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subd. 3, (C-3) to consider an offer for the purchase of property at PID #118- 500-203201. CM Dahl motioned to close the meeting at 7:56 PM to enter a closed session to discuss PID #118-500-203201 in accordance to Minnesota Statue 13D.05, Subd. 3, (C-3) to consider an offer for purchase of property, seconded by CM Goede. All in favor. Motion carried 4-0. CM Goede motioned to open the closed session at 7:57 PM, seconded by CM Moores. All in favor. Motion carried 4-0. CM Goede motioned to close the closed meeting at 8:09 PM, seconded by CM Moores. All in favor. Motion carried 4-0. CM Goede motioned to reopen the special meeting at 8:09 PM, seconded by CM Dahl. All in favor. Motion carried 4-0. 3 2023 Budget, Tax Levy and Capital Improvement Plan Review. City Administrator/Finance Director Adam Flaherty opened the discussion with talking points that will provide the opportunity for the Council to set priorities, expectations and provide direction to staff for preparation of the draft budget. Assumptions: CM Dahl asked if the council could add more COLA and incentives to keep our staff here knowing we are the biggest City in Wright County. He noted that there have been former employees leaving for other cities for the same job at higher pay. He would like to retain the good employees, councilmembers and commissioners Otsego has. There was also discussion about last increase of council pay. Page 2 of 3 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 23, 2022 City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty said the pay plan and position and scoring system have been in place since 2016 and was reviewed again in 2020 by Baker Tilly. This system needs to stay intact, but COLA increases are open for discussion and that those are based on City Council approvals. The City Council discussed seeing the budget impacts of COLA ranging from 3-6% based on discussion of the consumer price index in the packet. The Council also concurred that they would like data on City Council compensation and would evaluate at that time. Council Roundtable: Council shared comments they have received from the public regarding City services or programs. CM Moores said her feedback from residents have been positive about the trails. Public Safety. Council discussed options of Fire Protection Agreement with the City of Albertville that will expire at the end of 2022 and proposed 50 hours from Wright County Sherriff's department for 2023. The Council concurred that Sheriff Deringer should present more information on the requested increase in hours as part of the budget review process. Property Tax Levy: City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty reviewed charts included in the packet related to tax rates. Fund Balance Policy- Calculation of Transfer: The City's fund balance policy outlines that the ending fund balance in the General Fund should be 45% of the subsequent years budget. The policy further outlines that any balance more than the defined 45% minimum, can be transferred to a capital reserve fund at the Council's discretion. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty reviewed the calculation and noted that a decision on the transfer should wait until the Council has reviewed the 2023 budgets and CIP and then determine what the money could be set aside for. The City's audit will be presented to Council in the next meeting June 13, 2022. 4. Adjourn. CM Dahl motioned to adjourn at 8:47PM, seconded by CM Goede. All in favor. Motion carried 4-0. To arkenwaId, Acting r ATTEST: &At�a�a E�q Bethany BelVing, Depoq City Clerk Page 3 of 3