Item 3.1- Annas Acres3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com 1 PLANNING REPORT  TO:  Otsego Planning Commission  FROM:  D.Daniel Licht, AICP REPORT DATE:  19 May 2022  60‐DAY DATE:  11 July 2022  RE:  Otsego – Anna’s Acres; Preliminary Plat/PUD‐CUP  TPC FILE:101.02  BACKGROUND  Thomas and Peggy Croteau own 39.16 acres located north of the River Pointe subdivision and  east of the Harvest Run East subdivision within southeast Otsego.  US Home Corporation (d/b/a  Lennar) had submitted plans for development of 105 single family lots to be known as Fields of  Riverpointe.  Lennar withdrew their application, but the property owner has resubmitted the  request independently now to be known as Anna’s Acres (but the plans are still labeled as  Fields of Riverpointe).  The proposed development requires application for a Zoning Map  amendment and preliminary plat.  A public hearing to consider the proposed development has  been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 20 June 2022 at 7:00PM.  Exhibits:  Site Location Map Preliminary Plat (2 sheets) Utility Plan (2 sheets) Preliminary Grading Plan (2 sheets) Tree Preservation Plan (3 sheets) Preliminary Landscape Plan (4 sheets) Item 3.1 2 ANALYSIS    Zoning.   The subject site is zoned A‐1, Agriculture Rural Service District.  The 2012  Comprehensive Plan guides that A‐1 District zoning is to be maintained for properties until such  time as development plans consistent with the land uses guided by the Future Land Use Plan  are approved.  The proposed development requires consideration of a Zoning Map amendment  to rezone the subject site to R‐5, Single and Two Family District.  The Lennar had also requested  approval of a Planned Unit Development – Conditional Use Permit related to lot area, lot width,  and attached garage area requirements, which is addressed in subsequent paragraphs.  The  Zoning Map amendment is to be evaluated based upon the following criterial established by  the Zoning Ordinance:    1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego  Comprehensive Plan.    Comment: The 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan includes the subject site within the East  Sewer District and guides the area for low density residential uses.  The preliminary plat  includes a variety of lot widths to allow for a range of dwellings.  The density of the  proposed preliminary plat is 2.8 dwelling units per acre, which is consistent with the land  uses by the Comprehensive Plan.       2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area.     Comment:  The table below summarizes the existing and planned land uses surrounding  the subject site:    Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use  North LD Residential A‐1 District Undeveloped  East LD Residential A‐1 District Cultivated field  South LD Residential R‐4 District River Pointe 5th Add.  West LD Residential R‐5 District Harvest Run East 4th Add.      The proposed preliminary plat is consistent with the character of development in the  adjacent River Pointe and Harvest Run East neighborhoods, which is also planned to  continue to the east of the subject site.      3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the  Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code.    Comment:  Single family lots are a permitted use within the R‐5 District.  The preliminary  plat and proposed uses will comply with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and  Subdivision Ordinance.    3 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the  property.    Comment: The proposed development is to be accessed via extension of 61st Street from  Harvest Run East from the west and Radford Avenue from River Pointe 5th Addition from  the south.  These streets connect to Queens Avenue and 53rd Street (CSAH 36),  respectively, which are designated as major collector streets by the Transportation Plan.    Queens Avenue and 53rd Street (CSAH 36) have capacity to accommodate the traffic that  will be generated by the proposed preliminary plat.     5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and  will not overburden the City's service capacity.     Comment: Utility capacity is available at the East Wastewater Treatment Facility to  serve the proposed development and other City services exist to accommodate the  proposed preliminary plat.    Lot Requirements.  Lots for single family dwellings within the R‐5 District are required by  Section 11‐66‐6.A of the Zoning Ordinance to have a minimum area of 9,000 square feet and  minimum width of 60 feet (90 feet for corner lots).      Lennar had requested flexibility under a PUD‐CUP to allow 55 foot wide lots within Blocks 5 and  6 and 45 foot wide lots within Block 7 to accommodate specific single family dwelling plans.   With Lennar withdrawing from the application, there are no building plans proposed for the  proposed 45 foot and 55 foot wide lots.  Absent building plans, the preliminary plat is to be  revised to provide lots that comply with the minimum standards of the R‐5 District unless a  building makes future application to amend the preliminary plat with approval of a PUD‐CUP.    The lots within Block 1 are designed to be a minimum 12,000 square feet in area and 75 feet  wide consistent with the existing single family lots in River Pointe 5th Addition to the south.      Setbacks.   The table below outlines the setbacks to be required within the proposed  preliminary plat and each lot has a building envelope that complies with the required setbacks.     Front Side Rear Wetland  Required House: 25ft.   Garage: 30ft.  7ft. 20ft. Wetland: 40ft.  Buffer: 20ft.  Block 1 35ft.  10ft. 20ft. Buffer: 20ft.  Blocks 2‐7 House: 25ft.   Garage: 30ft.  7ft. 20ft. Buffer: 20ft.        4 Access.  The subject site has street access via 61st Street from Harvest Run East 4th Addition  from the west and Radford Avenue from River Pointe 5th Addition from the south.   These  streets provide connection to Queens Avenue to the west and 53rd Street (CSAH 36) to the  south, which are designated as collector streets by the Transportation Plan.    The 105 lots within the subdivision may be expected to generate 1,050 vehicle trips per day  according to Institute of Transportation Engineers data.  Dividing traffic within the subdivision  with initial two accesses will ensure that traffic generated by the proposed development does  not exceed capacity of local streets.      Future access to the east will be constructed when the adjacent property is developed.  The cul‐ de‐sac shown at the northwest corner of the preliminary plat is to be eliminated to provide for  a future street connection north to 65th Street.  This street connection will provide additional  access for the subject site as well as Harvest Run East, Riverpointe, and Riverplace.   A second  connection to the north is to be required within Block 6 between Outlots E and F, subject to  approval of the City Engineer.    Streets.   The streets within the preliminary plat are designed within a 60 foot right‐of‐way and  have an 28 foot wide street section.  There is a five‐foot wide sidewalk on one side of all  through streets.  The sidewalk on 61st Street is to be shifted to the south side of the roadway to  minimize street crossings and abutments to outlots to be deeded to the City.  The street section  plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer for compliance with Section 10‐8‐ 5.B.1 of the Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual.  The street names shown on the  preliminary plat do not comply with the Wright County grid system and are to be revised in  accordance with Section 10‐8‐5.B.13 of the Subdivision Ordinance.    Landscaping.  Section 11‐19‐2.B.1 of the Zoning Ordinance requires two shade trees to be  planted within each lot.  The developer has presented a landscape plan that proposes  installation of 210 trees with 17 existing trees preserved in rear yards for a total of 227 trees.   The landscape plan is to be revised to specifically identify the preserved trees.  The landscape  plan proposes installation of one boulevard tree per lot, which are to be located in the front  yard outside of the public right‐of‐way.  One additional tree will also be required to be planted  within each lot as required by the Zoning Ordinance.    Utilities.   There are sewer and water utility connections to the subject site from the adjacent  River Pointe and Harvest Run East subdivisions.  A utility plan has been submitted and is subject  to review and approval of the City Engineer.  The developer will pay Utility Availability Charges  upon approval of a final plat and Utility Connection Charges at the time a building permit is  issued in accordance with the fee schedule established by the City Code.    Grading.   The developer has submitted a grading plan and stormwater management  calculations for the proposed development.      5 There is impact to a delineated wetland for the cul‐de‐sac street at the northwest corner of the  proposed preliminary plat.  Other delineated wetlands are shown with the wetland buffer  required by Section 11‐16‐5.F of the Zoning Ordinance.     Stormwater basins and wetlands and wetland buffers are shown on the grading plan and  preliminary plat as being located within outlots, which will be deeded to the City in accordance  with Section 10‐8‐12.D of the Subdivision Ordinance.      All grading, drainage, wetland impacts, and erosion control issues are to be subject to review  and approval of the City Engineer.  There is no regional stormwater area impact fee for the area  that includes the subject site.      Easements.  Section 10‐8‐12 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires dedication of drainage and  utility easements at the perimeter of each lot, over overland stormwater management  facilities, or public utilities not within the public right‐of‐way or outlots deeded to the City.  The  submitted plans indicate access easements to the stormwater basins within Outlots E and F that  include sections across rear yards, which should be relocated to the outlots to the extent  feasible.  All easements are to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer.     Outlots.  The preliminary plat includes the following outlots for the intended purposed  described in the table below:    Outlot Purpose Ownership  A, F Wetland/wetland buffer/stormwater basin Deed to City  B, E Stormwater basin Deed to City  C, D Wetland/wetland buffer Deed to City    Park Dedication.   The Parks System Master Plan does not identify acquisition of land from the  subject site for public park services.  The subject site is within the park service area of Frankfort  Park to the southeast and a street connection at Radford Avenue will provide for access to the  park.  Future development of the parcels to the east of the subject site will provide for  additional access to Frankfort Park via streets, sidewalks, and trails.  Park dedication  requirements established by Section 10‐8‐15 of the Subdivision Ordinance are to be satisfied by  payment of a cash fee in lieu of land at the time of final plat approval.  This cash fee is to be  used by the City only for development of public parks, trails, and open spaces.     Final Plat.   Following approval of a preliminary plat, the developer has one year to apply for  approval of a final plat.  The City Attorney will prepare a Development Contract related to a  proposed final plat to provide for completion of all public improvements, establishment of  required securities, and payment of applicable fees in accordance with Section 10‐10‐4.A of the  Subdivision Ordinance.  The Development Contract is to be executed by the developer and  approved by resolution of the City Council concurrent with the final plat approval and executed  prior to recording of the final plat.      6 RECOMMENDATION    The proposed Zoning Map amendment and preliminary plat are consistent with the goals and  policies of the Comprehensive Plan.  Furthermore, the preliminary plat complies with the  provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance.  City staff recommends approval  of the applications as outlined below.    POSSIBLE ACTIONS    A. Motion to recommend approval of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site  to R‐5 District based on a finding that the criteria established by Section 11‐3‐2.F of the  Zoning Ordinance are satisfied and approval of a preliminary plat for Anna’s Acres,  subject to the following conditions:    1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer  service.  The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats  with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development.    2. The preliminary plat shall be revised such that all lots comply with the minimum  lot area and width requirements of the R5 District, unless a PUD‐CUP is approved  based on proposed house plans, except for lots within Block 1, which shall comply  with the requirements of the minimum lot area and width requirements of the R4  District.    3. The preliminary plat shall be revised, subject to approval of the City Engineer, to  provide:    a.  The street labelled as Waterside Court as a through street to the north plat  line.    b. A street connection to the north plat line within Block 6 between Outlot E  and Outlot F.    4. Street section and construction plans shall be subject to review and approval of  the City Engineer, and:      a. The sidewalk on 61st Street shall be shifted to the south side of the  roadway    b. Street names shall be revised to comply with the Wright County Grid  system and Section 10‐8‐5.B.13 of the Subdivision Ordinance.    5. The landscaping plans shall be revised subject to review and approval of the  Zoning Administrator as follows:    7 a. Specify installation of one tree per lot shall be located in the front yard  outside of the public right‐of‐way and two trees within each lot.    b. Identify trees those trees that shall be preserved in accordance with  Section 10‐8‐14 of the Subdivision Ordinance.     6. All utility plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer.     7. The developer shall pay Utility Availability Charges upon approval of a final plat  and Utility Connection Charges at the time a building permit is issued in  accordance with the fee schedule established by the City Code in effect.    8. All grading, drainage, wetland impacts, and erosion control issues shall be  subject to review and approval of the City Engineer.      9. Outlots A, B, C, D, E, and F shall be deeded to the City for stormwater  management purposes.    10. All easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer.    11. Park dedication requirements shall be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu  of land at the time of final plat approval.    12. The developer shall execute a Development Contract in accordance with Section  10‐10‐4.A of the Subdivision Ordinance prior to approval of a final plat.    13. Application for final plat approval shall be submitted within one year from the  date of City Council approval of a preliminary plat in accordance with Minnesota  Statutes 462.358, Subd 3c.    B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is  inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and intent of the Zoning Ordinance.    C. Motion to table.      c. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director   Audra Etzel, City Clerk   Ron Wagner, City Engineer   David Kendall, City Attorney  Site Loca tio n 1,520 ft Overvi ew Legend Roads C SAHC L C TYC L MUNIC L PRIVATEC L TWPC L Highw ays Intersta te State Hwy US Hwy City/T ow nship Limits c t Parcels NPRELIMINARY UTILITYPLAN (SOUTH)FIELDS AT RIVER POINTELENNAR CORPORATIONOTSEGO, MN21-0398Feet06012011-29-21 NPRELIMINARY UTILITYPLAN (NORTH)21-0398Feet0 60 120FIELDS AT RIVER POINTELENNAR CORPORATIONOTSEGO, MN11-29-21 NPRELIMINARY GRADINGPLAN (SOUTH)FIELDS AT RIVER POINTELENNAR CORPORATIONOTSEGO, MN21-0398Feet060120SILT FENCE DETAIL11-29-21 NPRELIMINARY GRADINGPLAN (NORTH)FIELDS AT RIVER POINTELENNAR CORPORATIONOTSEGO, MN21-0398Feet060120SILT FENCE DETAIL11-29-21 NNFIELDS AT RIVER POINTELENNAR CORPORATIONOTSEGO, MN21-0398NFeet04080PRELIMINARY TREEPRESERVATION PLAN11-29-21 NNFIELDS AT RIVER POINTELENNAR CORPORATIONOTSEGO, MN21-0398Feet04080PRELIMINARY TREEPRESERVATION PLAN11-29-21 NNPRELIMINARY TREEPRESERVATION PLANFIELDS AT RIVER POINTELENNAR CORPORATIONOTSEGO, MN21-0398NFeet0408011-29-21 NNFIELDS AT RIVER POINTELENNAR CORPORATIONOTSEGO, MN21-0398Feet04080PRELIMINARY TREEPRESERVATION PLAN11-29-21 Review No. 1 ENGINEERING REVIEW Residential Subdivision Preliminary Plat for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Audra Etzel, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Dave Kendall, City Attorney Tom & Peggy Croteau Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, P.E. Abdullah Alqwaizani, EIT Date: June 9, 2022 Proposed Development: Anna Acres Development Location: PIDs 118500363300, 118345000010 South West ¼, South West ¼ of Section 36, T121, R23. Applicant: Tom & Peggy Croteau – 8991 125th Ave, Milaca, MN 56353 Developer: TBD Owners of Record: Thomas & Peggy Croteau Purpose: Anna Acres is a proposed 105 lot single-family residential development on approximately 39+ acres in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer), and Wright County PAGE 2 C:\Users\bethany.OTSEGO\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\KGLY8J8U\OT2353 RVW1 Prel Plat.docx TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE PRELIMINARY PLAT PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN PRELIMINARY EXISTING TREE INVENTORY & TREE PRESERVATION PLAN PRELIMINARY TREE PRESERVATION PLAN SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION PAGE 3 C:\Users\bethany.OTSEGO\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\KGLY8J8U\OT2353 RVW1 Prel Plat.docx INFORMATION AVAILABLE Preliminary Plans for Anna Acres shown as Fields at River Pointe, dated 11/29/2021, Otto Associates. Preliminary Storm Water Management Plan for River Pointe, dated 11/29/2021, Otto Associates. Geotechnical Report for River Pointe, dated 11/29/2021, Braun Intertec. Additional Information Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 – EAW Requirement City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map PAGE 4 C:\Users\bethany.OTSEGO\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\KGLY8J8U\OT2353 RVW1 Prel Plat.docx PRELIMINARY PLAT 1. A contact name, address, and phone number shall be provided for the developer and owner(s). 2. Streets shall be named according to the Wright County Street naming system as follows; a. Grassland Loop shall be Rachele Avenue NE b. 61st Street NE (West of Block 2) shall be Radford Avenue NE c. Paddock Drive shall be 62nd Street NE d. Waterside Court shall be 62nd Court NE e. Grassland Loop (South of Block 6 Lot 9-18) shall be 63rd Street NE 3. Provide benchmarks and datum. The 1929 NGVD datum shall be used. All existing utilities placed and survey/as-built information by the city will be based on the 1929 datum. 4. All outlots containing wetlands and/or storm ponds shall be deeded to the City; therefore, no additional easements are required on these outlots. 5. Radford Avenue NE from 61st Street to the south plat line shall match the existing street wide of the existing street (33’ wide back of curb to back of curb). 6. Centerline horizontal curve information shall be provided for all street alignments. All streets shall have a minimum 250’ radius with a tangent between curves. 7. Profiles with vertical curve information shall be shall be provided for all streets. All curves shall meet 30 mph design speeds. 8. The rear yards of Block 7 have a very large and odd shaped drainage and utility easement. This easement appears necessary to cover a significant amount of grade change and cross drainage (i.e. is 10’ of elevation difference between Lot 3 and 28 and lot 28’s drainage is being pushed to a swale in the rear yard of Lot 3, within approx. 20’ of Lot 3 house). We recommend considering other home styles and/or retaining wall to revise the need for such a large easement area. 9. The sidewalk along the 61st Street shall be relocated to the south side of the street. 10. Rachelle Avenue and Radford Avenue shall not end in cul-de-sacs but shall continue to the north. Water is required to be stubbed to near property line but sewer is not. EXISTING CONDITIONS 11. The size, type, and inverts of existing sewers, watermain, and other underground facilities within 150’ of the project boundary shall be provided. 12. Adjoining unsubdivided or subdivided land shall be identified by name and ownership within 150’ of the project boundary. PAGE 5 C:\Users\bethany.OTSEGO\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\KGLY8J8U\OT2353 RVW1 Prel Plat.docx 13. Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision. PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN 14. The watermain from the west plat connection to the connection on Radford Avenue shall be 12” watermain. All other watermain shall be 8” diameter. 15. The watermain connection as the south plat line along Radford Avenue shall connect to the high pressure line (line running parallel to the south property line). 16. The watermain between Block 1, Lots 3-4 shall be removed. 17. A watermain pipe shall be placed along the property line between Block 5, Lots 10-11 and extended to the north property line for future service. 18. Storm sewer outlet pipe for the wetland in Outlot C shall be located along the rear/side lot lines of the adjacent lots. 19. The fence around the property site shall be removed. 20. All outlets around ponds shall be connected to storm sewer system. 21. A minimum of 0.4% grade shall be provided for all sanitary main lines. Some inverts appear to provide less than the minimum. 22. The outlet pipes from the storm basins in Outlot A, B and E discharge directly on to adjacent properties. With the exception of the discharge location for the basin in Outlot F these receiving properties do not have a “defined” swale, ditch or storm sewer system to handle this concentrated flow. The discharge locations shall be revised and may not cause a nuisance to the downstream properties. The developers engineer shall work with City staff to find an acceptable outlet for these ponds. PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN 23. Currently the existing Radford Avenue flows to the south at 7% from the south plat line and the proposed new Radford Avenue flows to the north from this same plat line. A vertical curve will be needed here and the proposed house elevations and street elevations along the new Radford will likely need to change significantly. 24. A maximum slope of 1(v):4(h) is allowed. The maximum slopes shall be verified and revised if necessary. 25. The existing temporary cul-de-sac (and potential temorpary cul-de-sac on 61st Street in Harvest Run East 4th Addition) will need to be removed and restored as part of this plat. 26. Provide a “proof” calculation for the wetland buffers. The area required for a 20’ average buffer vs. the actual area being provided for each wetland. If shall be verify the minimum 10’ wide buffer is maintained at all locations. PAGE 6 C:\Users\bethany.OTSEGO\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\KGLY8J8U\OT2353 RVW1 Prel Plat.docx 27. Provide a spot elevation on the side property lines at the front and rear setbacks between lots with 1.5’ or more elevation difference in house elevations. Fall shall be provided from the lowest opening of the lower house to the property line. All runoff shall be directed along the side property line and to the rear property line to the extent possible to eliminate cross drainage and the need for easements to cover the cross drainage. 28. The Emergency Overflows (EOFs) for all the ponds shall have articulated concrete block. 29. The proposed maintenance paths to the pond outlets shall be completely within drainage and utility easements. 30. All retaining walls greater than 4’ shall be designed by a registered engineer. 31. A berm shall be graded between the catch basin in the rear of Lot 8, Block 1 to ensure the runoff from the rear yards of Block 1, Lots 7-12 goes to the catch basin and not to the adjacent development. The berm only needs to be approx. 1’ tall. 32. A minimum 1.5’ of freeboard is required from all emergence overflows (EOF) and the lowest opening of affected houses. The following lots do not meet this requirement: a. Block 3, Lot 4 and Lots 10-13. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT 33. The site discharges within 1 mile of a special water therefore additional SWPPP requirements are needed. The SWPP Plan will be reviewed for these requirements when the final plat and construction plans are submitted. 34. The stormwater management plan appears to meet all City of Otsego and MPCA NPDES Permit conditions. a. Pre-development vs post-development run off rate requirements are being met. b. Adequate justification for not being able to provide infiltration onsite is provided. c. 1.1” water quality volume is being accounted for as required. d. Wet basins provide dead storage for the 2.5” NURP. 35. Existing HWL elevation for the wetlands shall be provided for comparison of the post development elevations for these wetlands. 36. The stormwater management plan appears to meet all City of Otsego and MPCA NPDES Permit conditions. 37. See comment #20. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 38. A typical section shall be provided. The proposed typical section thickness shall be passed on the Geotechnical Report R-value recommendation. PAGE 7 C:\Users\bethany.OTSEGO\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\KGLY8J8U\OT2353 RVW1 Prel Plat.docx 39. A statement certifying the environmental condition of the site including the presence of any hazardous substance as defined in Minnesota Statutes 115B.02, Subd 8 is required. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent upon the above items being addressed.