03-06-1978 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 6th County of Wright day of March 1978. Duane Lindenfelser, Chairman Town of Otsego Lloyd Beaudry, Supervisor, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Duane Linden- felser. The minutes of the Feb. 13, 1978 Town Board meeting were approved as read. The petition of James Kramaz to vacate those parts of Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth Streets and G. Street of the Otsego Townsite lying within property owned by him was considered by the Town Board. Lloyd Beaudry proposed a resolution to vacate the above mentioned streets, seconded by Duane Lindenfelser and passed. Bob Rowe appeared before the Board to say that he was interested in purchasing the land on which the streets were vacated. He asked if he could get a permit to build a basement and live in that while he fin- ishes the top part of the home himself. Lloyd Beaudry said they would contact the Co. Zoning Administrator regarding the situation and get the necessary forms to fill out for the application. He also asked if he could park cars he owned (9) on the lot behind a fence. Board advised him ,he would have to get a conditional use permit from the Co. Zoning Administrator to do so. Duane Lindenfelser announced that the Elk River Municipal Utilities had received authorization from the State Highway Dept. to erect a street light at the intersection of Highway 101 and Wright Co. #39 but are still waiting for authorization to put up street lights at the Highway 101 and Wright Co. #36 intersection. The Town Board requested and suggestions or comments on the ex- penditure of Revenue Sharing money to purchase a new tractor, mower, and loader. Ray Carron appeared before the Board to ask if there were any changes in platting regulations. The Board advised there were none. Motion made by Lloyd Beaudry seconded by Duane Lindenfelser to sub- mit the following budget amounts to the voters at the Annual Town Meet- ing for their approval: $78,000.00 for Road and Bridge Fund, $8,000.00 for Revenue Fund, $6,000.00 for Fire Fund. ,Motion passed. Supervisor Lloyd Beaudry proposed the following resolution: Be it resolved that all future township bituminous road surfacing projects shall be assessed to residential property owners at a rate of 100% of the cost of the project based on a front footage or per parcel basis and agricul- tural land shall be assessed on the basis of a 300 ft. frontage per dwel- ling basis. Resolution seconded by Duane Lindenfelser and passed. Proceeding as a Board of Audit the Town Board audited and allowed verified accounts Nos. 280 to 302 inclusive. Onmotion meeting adjourned. Attest: