05-01-1978 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 1st County of Wright day of May, 1978. Lloyd Beaudry, Chairman, Virginia Town of Otsego Bistodeau and William Schulz, Supervisors., Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk were present. The meeting was called to order by Lloyd Beaudry, Chairman. The minutes of the April 3, meeting were approved as read. Pat Scherber appeared before the Board to request a permit to build a garage to be used to house an airplane and use the landing strip that is located in Sec. 25. The Board said they would check the site and meet with David Fricke to discuss the situation as a conditional use permit would be required. Joyce Horvath appeared before the Board to request speed limits on tarred roads in Vasseur's Third and Fourth Additions (Needham & Oakwood Ave.) and 85th Street. The Board replied that they would pass a resolu- tion requesting the State Highway Dept. to make a study of the area and other residential areas, and make recommendations to the Town Board as to speed limits and other safety regulations. Lloyd Beaudry proposed the following resolution: Be it resolved that the State Highway Dept. be asked to make a study of the residential areas of the Township and make recommendations to the Town Board regard- ing speed limits and other safety regulations. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Philip Bryans asked what the maintenance plans were for the tarred roads now in use in the Township. The Board said they would follow the advice of Meyer-Rohlin engineering firm in maintaining the roads. Ross Bengston requested that action be taken to control the weeds in Vasseur's Estates on a vacant lot originally left for a park. The Board replied that the land still belongs to Lawrence Vasseur and they would contact him regarding control of the weeds. If he fails to do so then the Township can cut the weeds and bill him for it. Paul Meyer appeared before the Board to say that his firm had done a preliminary study on blacktopping the streets in Walesch Estates. His preliminary estimate would be a cost of $91.000.00 for a four inch base and a 2 inch mat 22 feet wide for a 5 ton road. Lloyd Beaudry moved that Meyer-Rohlin be requested to do a feasa- bility study on the project and Attorney Radzwill be requested to arrange the necessary hearings on the project. Motion seconded by William Schulz and passed unanimously. Paul Meyer also did a study on 80th: Street East from Wright Co. #19 For a 7 ton road he would build up the shoulders, put on a 12 inch base and a 2 inch base and a 2 inch mat at a cost of $118,000.00. He also did a study on Mason Ave. from Wright Co. #39 South to con- nect with 80th Street. For a 7 ton road he would recommend a 12 inch base and a two inch mat at a cost of $110,000.00 He also did a study on 80th Street west from Wright Co. #19 one mile to Kadler Ave. then North on Kadler Ave. to 85th Street, and then West on 85th Street to the west township line. For a 7 ton road he would recom- mend a 12 inch base and a 2 inch mat for an estimated cosr of $174,000.00. To make it a 9 ton road he would recommend an additional 11/2 to 2 inch mat (32" to 4" in all) at an additional cost of $40,000.00 to $50,000.00 Motion made by Lloyd Beaudry to have Meyer-Rohlin do a feasability study on blacktopping 80th Street one mile west from Wright Co. #19 and 7100 feet east from Wright Co. #19 and to have Attorney Radzwill arrange the necessary hearings on the project. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau and passed unanimously. Page 2 Continuation of minutes of May 1, 1978 meeting: Al Schwab appeared before the Board to request that the Township furnish grass seed for a 2 acre site off 96th Street in Mississippi Shores to be used as a soccer field. William Schulz moved that the Town Board table the matter until it is clarified as to whether the site will belong to the Township as a Township Park or be burned over to the County as a County Park. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unan- imously. Marvin George has stated that he will donate the land for use as a soccer field. George Johnson appeared before the Board as per notice of a hearing on the payment of a grass fire call on his property. He was advised that the assessment was removed from the tax rolls but that the bill of $200.00 was still due and would be re -assessed if not paid within 30 days. He stated that he felt he was unfairly billed and unfairly asses - ed as the township had sufficient funds in the fire fund at the time to pay the bill. Lloyd Beaudry moved that Mr. Johnson be given 30 days to pay the bill and if not paid proceed with assessing it on his taxes. Secondeld by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Motion made by William Schulz that the Town Board hold 2 meetings per month on the first and third Mondays of the Month at 8:00 p.m. com- mencing in June, 1978, with the bills to be paid only on the first Monday of the month. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Persons wishing to be on the agenda of any Town Board Meeting should contact Betty Adkins, Assistant Clerk, her telephone number at the Town Hall is 441-4414. Motion made by Lloyd Beaudry that the Township proceed with apply- ing for a grant to construct a water tower, will and water mains and to arrange a hearing to discuss, subject to approval, the cost of the water tower project, including engineering fees, special attorney fees and administrative fees. Seconded by William Schulz and passed unanimously. Proceeding as a board of audit, the Town Board audited and allowed verified accounts Nos. to inclusive. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: