06-05-1978 Town Board MinutesState of Minnestoa The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 5th County of Wright day of June, 1978. Lloyd Beaudry, Chairman, Town of Otsego Virginia Bistodeau, William Schulz, Supervisors, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, were present. The meeting was called to order by Lloyd Beaudry, Chairman. The minutes of the May 1, 1978, Town Board meeting were approved as read. David Reemts appeared before tje Town Board to request a permit to build a 40' X 40' pole type building to be used as a garage. A variance would be required from the County to construct the building as it is basically an agriculture area. The Board stated that they would view the site before making a recommendation as it represents an expansion of the car repair and used car business now in operation. The Board will meet at the site on Thursday, June 8, at 5:00 p.m. John Daniels appeared before the Board to request a permit to oper- ate a small business out of his garage at 14449 88th St. Otsego Acres, first addition. He has a zinc machine and makes a small parts. A con- ditional use permit will be required to operate the business. The Board will view the proposed site and make their recommedation at that time. Items to be considered will be opinions of the neighbors and setting limits on the expansion of the business. Robert Eastman appeared before the Board to complain about the dust problem on 88th St. Ed Greninger said that he plans on applying black magic on the street. Wayne Weber appeared before the Board to request renewal of his set-up license for Wayne's Place. The Board will talk to the Wright Co. Sheriff and if he has no complaints or objections, they will approve the appli- cation. Motion made by Lloyd Beaudry to deny Pat Scherber a permit to build an airplane hanger based on the fact that the proposed air strip will be taking off and landing over a residential area. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau and passed unanimously. The application of David Waltz for a variance to construct an at- tached garage which will be located 17ft. from the side property line. The minimum requiremtnt for a side property line distance for an attached garage is 30 ft. The board will have Betty Adkins, building inspector, view the lot and make her recommendations. A hearing on the variance application will be held at 11:00 a.m. on June 12, 1978 before the Wright County Board of Adjustment. Motion made by William Schulz to publish a notice in the Star News that applications for the position of Dog -Catcher for the Town of Otsego will be accepted and consdiered at the June 19, Town Board meeting. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Motion made by Lloyd Beaudry to challenge the Census Bureau popu- lation figures in regards to Revenue Sharing Allocations, and to file the necessary forms to do so. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously Betty Adkins reported that Attorney Radzwill has requested her to make a door-to-door population count of the platted areas of the township to verify the Urban Township status of the Township having 1200 people in platted areas. Motion made by Virginia Bistodeau to postpone the first July meeting from July3, to July 5 because the Fourth of July holiday. Seconded by William Schula, passed unanimously. Motion made by William Schulz to advertise for bids for the hauling of 4000 yds. more or less of Class 5 gravel, bids to be received at the July 5th town board meeting. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Motion made by Lloyd Beaudry to increase Ed Greninger's hospitalization Ins. from $75.00 to $100.00 per three month quarter. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Attest: