06-19-1978 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 19th County of Wright day of June 1978. Lloyd Beaudry, Chairman, William Town of Otsego Schulz, Virginia Bistodeau, Supervisors, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lloyd Beaudry. The minutes of the June 5, 1978 Town Board meeting were approved as read The Town Board interviewed Tom Stalpes regarding the position of Poundmaster and Dog Catcher for the Town of Otsego. Mr. Stalpes replied that he had a kennel at present and was a dog trainer. He said he would be interested in serving as Poundmaster but not as dog-catcher as he felt it would interfere with his business of training dogs. Pearl Adams applied for the position of dog-catcher. Eugene Haare applied for the position of dog-catcher. Motion made by Lloyd Beaudry to prepare a contract for poundmaster, including a schedule of fees for im- pounding dogs, per day cost of keeping dogs, and fees for disposal of dogs if necessary, and a contract for dog-catcher including a schedule of fees for picking up dogs, patrol service and mileage. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. John Daniels reported that he had talked to the Wright County Zoning Administrator regarding their application to operate a small business in their garage. The Zoning Administrator referred him back to the Town Board. The Town Board stated that they were not opposed to the application and would recommend that the County Board approve it. However the County Board has the final say on it. Motion made by Lloyd Beaudry to hold a public hearing on July 5, at 8:00 p.m. on the petition of Donald Johnson and Beverly A. Johnson to va- cate those parts of Eighth Street and F street of the Otsego Townsite Plat lying within their property. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. A Public Hearing on the proposed bituminous surfacing �f the roads in Walesch Estates and 80th Street one mile (5300 ft.) west from Wright Co. 19 and 6700 ft. east from Wright Co. 19 and Marlowe Av. beginning at 80th Street and extending north 500 ft. Walesch Estates was first on the agenda. Bill Radzwill addressed the meeting and explained the procedure. A public hearing is held to discuss the project. No vote is required at the hearing. The Town Board can make a decision following the hearing on whether to proceed with the project. Walesch Estates has 98 lots that would benefit from the project. This project would be 100% assessed to the owners of the lots, and the estimated cost of $91,000.00 would be divided by the 98 lots. Paul Meyer said a gravel base would be applied and a 2 inch mat for a 5 ton road. Based on estimated costs the cost per lot would be $925.00 Cecil Adams asked if Federal funds were available as the assessment would double their taxes. The Board replied that none were available at this time. Pearl Adams asked what the cost of black magic was. The Board replied that it cost $34.00 per load The question was asked what the cost would be per year. The estimated assessment of $925.00 would be paid over a period of 10 years or $92.50 per year plus interest. The increased valuation of the property because of being on a black top street would increase real estate taxes about $10.00 to $12.00 per year. Because of negative attitude of the residents in attendance at the hearing, motion was made by Lloyd Beaudry to postpone a decision on the Walesch Estates project until the July 5, 1978 town board meeting and continue the hearing at that time. Seconded by William Schulz, passes unanimously. St. Page 2 June 19, 1978 meeting continued The 80th Street project west of Wright Co. 19 one mile was next on the agenda. Paul Meyer said the road would be constructed to a 7 ton design with a 12 inch gravel base and a 2 inch nat at a cost of Lloyd Beaudry advised the people the Board was considering a $500.00 per parcel assessment. Katherine Merges asked if they would be assessed twice as she and her husband had 2 parcels, one of 20 acres and one of 78 acres. Bill Radzwill said yes but as they qualified under the Agricultural Green Acres rule, assessments would be deferred until the land was no longer used for agriculture. Dale Bistodeau asked why they should have to pay for a road for Monti - Township residents to use. A poll was taken to see who were in favor of the project. Three voted in favor, 5 were against the project. Motion was made by Lloyd Beaudry to discontinue the project of 80th Street one mile fron Co. 19. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. The project of 80th Street East from Co. 19 6700 ft. and then North on Marlowe Av. 500 ft. was next on the agenda. Paul Meyer said the road be constructed to a 7 ton design with a 12 inch gravel base and a 2 inch mat, 24 ft. wide. The Board was also considering a $500. per parcel assessment on this project. Tony Berning asked if it would be necessary to have a 24 ft. on the road as he thought that was wider than necessary. Paul Meyer said that if the Board wished it could be cut to a 22 ft. top and that would reduce the cost of the road. Robert Berning asked if interest would be charged on agriculture deferred assessments. Bill Radzwill said yes, simple interest would be charged. Motion was made by Lloyd Beaudry to approve the project east from Wright Co. 19 6700 ft. and then North on Marlowe Av. 500 ft. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Motion made by Lloyd Beaudry to have Meyer-Rohlin prepare an adver- tisement for bids on the project. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Motion made by Lloyd Beaudry to have Meyer-Rohlin prepare a feasa- bility study on blacktopping Mason Av. from Wright Co. 39 South to 83rd St. and then West on 83rd St. to Marlowe Ave. and then South on Marlowe Av. to a point 500 ft. North of 80th Street. Seconded by William Schulz, passes unanimously. Motion made by William Schulz to have a Public Hearing on the project at the July 5, 1978 Town Board Meeting, seconded by Lloyd Beaudry. Passed unanimously. On motion the meeting adjourned. Attest: