08-07-1978 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 7th County of Wright day of August 1978. Lloyd Beaudry, Chairman, Vir- Town of Otsego ginia Bistodeau, William Schulz, Supervisors, Jer- ome Perrault, Clerk, Lewis Pouliot, Treas., Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lloyd Beaudry. The min- utes of the July 5 and July 17 town board meetings were approved as read. Larry Koenig appeared before the Board to discuss proposed changes in Wright County Highway 130. He said the Cou. Rd. 4130 bridge between Wright Co. and the City of Elk River needs to be replaced at a cost of approximately $1,000,000.00. The Co. Board is considering designating #130 as a State Aid Road and the City of Elk River would nesignate the North approach to the bridge as a State Aid Road so that they would be eligible for State Funds to construct the new bridge. The City of Elk River is considering the area west of #130 as a possible annexation area and the new bridge would be constructed so that water and sewer lines could be placed on the bridge. Motion made by Lloyd Beaudry that the Township approve the Co. Board plans to designate #130 as a State Aid Road and proceed with plans to replace the old bridge. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanumously. The Board requested that Larry Koenig explain maintenance procedures on black top roads. He said that black top roads require a seal coat from 3 to 8 years after construction depending on use and the life of a seal coat is from 5 to 8 years. He said the County uses a buckshot rock mix for seal coating as it,lasts longer than sand - seal mix seal. The rock-mix seal costs about $2$00.00 per mile and the san-seal about $800.00 per mile. Marvin George appeared before the Board to discuss lots 10 & 11, Block 5 of the Fifth Addition of Miss issippi Shores. He said a drainage ditch had been constructed that drained into the Park area in the N.W. corner of Mississippi Shores and he anticipated no future water problems for these lots. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to issue building permits for lots 10 & 11, Block 5, 5th Addition. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Seven applicaltions were received as possible members of a township planning commission. Wilmer Nordin, Project engineer for L.P.W. of New Brighton., Charles Christian,Kathy DeMars, farm wife, Glen Benson, Richard Gardner, home builder-part time farmer & horse breeder-trainer. Ingall Roskaft, retired formerly employed in accounting and bld. construction. Membership on Planning Commission should be an uneven number, five or seven, one Town Board Member can be a voting member of planning commission if Board desires. Terms of the planning commission will be staggered so not all will expire at once. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to table action on Planning Commissionuntil consulting with David Fricke and Attorney Bill Radzwill. Lloyd Beaudry announced that the township application for a $700.000. H.U.D. grant to build a water tower and main water lines had been rejected. Virginia Bistodeau expressed the opinion that the Town Board should apply for C.E.T.A. funding to improve the Town Hall and surrounding area such as painting, cleaning, installing bathroom facilities. Consideration of application was tabled at this time. The following names were chosen as election judges for the primary & General election: Joy Swenson, Marion Alexander, James Lefebvre, Rita Lefebvre, Elizabeth Kepka, Ron Miller, Teri Miller, Olga Roskaft, Dale Powers, Marie Corbin, Stella Lefebvre, Olive Kolles, Erma Lefebvre, Della Anderson, Bonnie Shirts, Donald Loudon, Sharon Berning, Lewis Pouliot, Geraldine Schulz, Eva Becker,Germain Beaudry, Jerome Perrault, Judy Roden, Betsy Vetsch, Arlene Lindenfelser, LuAnn Lin- denfelser. Proceeding as a board of audit, the Town Board audited and allowed verified account Nos. 105 to 133 inclusive. On motion, the meet- ing adjourned. Attest: