08-28-1978 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 28th County of Wright day of August, 1978. Meeting was called to order Town of Otsego at 8:00 p.m. by Lloyd Beaudry, Chairman. Virginia Bistodeau, William Schulz, Supervisors, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, William Radzwill, Twp. Attorney were present. First Item on the agenda, Bud Judkins, 8419 Packard, Vasseir's Addition. Weeds are a problem on a veighboring lot where a vacant trailor sits, taxes haven't been paid on this lot & trailor since 1974. Weeds are dry and could be a fire hazzard. Lloyd said the board would look into this & see what could be done. Second Item: Jason Dearborne, property owner to the east of township pro- perty was present and was asked to help clarify property lines between his property and the township property. He stated he owned lots 3,4,5, 6,7,8, & 9 and that the township owned lot 10 of Block 77. The township white garage sits on lot 1 & 2 of Block 10 and the town hall sits on Block 76 of the Otsego Town Site. Third Item: Arlene & Stuart Turnquist requested rezoning of 3 acres of their property from A-1 to B-2. This commercial business has been in ex- istance since 1971 when Trunquists assumed their permit was for a com- mercial venture of Art Sales 6E-',Workship, and conference center. They are on the Aug. 31st Planning & Zoning agenda at the courthouse to re- quest the rezoning and are asking the town board to approve the rezone also. The board did approve the rezoning on the basis that it has been in existance since 1971. Fourth Itme: At 8:30 the Town Board went to the township road improvement project. Paul Meyer, engineer, reviewed the bids presented. Bid A is Walesch Estates, Bid B is 80th Street to 83rd, Marlow to Mason, then Mason to Co.439. Contractors Bid A Bid B Total Bid Buffalo Bituminous Buffalo, MN $67,228.00 $248,873.00 $316,101.00 Hardrives, Inc. 67,530.00 207,218.00 274,748.00 Mpls. MN Brainerd Blacktop 74,160.00 215.350.00 289.510.00 Brainerd, MN Lloyd Beaudry made the motion to except the low bid presented by Hardrives, William Schulz 2nd motion. Acompletion date was discussed, Paul Meyer stated that Hardrives wants the entire project (A&B) to be done by Nov. 15th. Bill Radzwill was told to start on sale of the bonds ($200,000.00) for a 10 year period. The interst rate will be 6.2 or 6.3%, the percent over 6.0 is to cover contingencies. Fifth Item: David Fricke & Bill Radzwill discussed the Planning Commis- sion for the township. This will be an advisory commission appointed by the town board and will take 1 or 2 years to learn the process and exchange ideas. The township has the authority to have complete control of the planning & zoning if they wish to exetcise it under the Urban Township Powers. A seven member board was suggested with one member of the Town Board. Meeting should be held the 2nd week of themonth so items can then be presented to the Town Board for approval at their 2nd meet- ing of the month and then presented to the County Planning & Zoning Board which meets on the 4th Thursday of the month. This advisory board will be training themselves, the county will advistfthe State Planning Agency offers much information in the form of slide presentations, books, & seminars. The board was advised by David Fricke that they should allocate monies for this commission for a perdiem and seminar fees, mileage etc. This commission must establish ordinances, by-laws, elect a chairman & Secretary. Meetings must be published if other than an established monthly 2 Minutes continued August 28, 1978. meeting. Meetings must be open to the public. Thoughts should be given to also establishing a board of adjustment for the coming years, a Town Board member should not sit on this board. I.G. Roskaft asked how we can be a town without being a city. David Fricke explained the 1,200 population which the township has that qualifies us as an Urban Township with special powers. This commission will be responsible for developing a comprehensive plan & zoning plan for the township which must be up -dated each year. Sixth Item: Al Schwab made a presentation to the board on the Otsego Township air strip. He read a three page letter, showed pictures of the air strip and neighboring property. Virginia Bistodeau asked specifically what was his purpose in the presentation, what did he want the Town Board to do? He stated that he wanted the permit for Patrick Scharber for a hanger to be granted, and he wanted the Board to reverse their opinion which was sent to the Planning & Zoning Board last May 25th stating the Otsego Town Board is opposed to the air -strip and doesn't approve of the request by Patrick Scharber to amend the county ordinance to allow air- strips in the county. Al Schwab stated he was speaking on behalf of Tuck Bouley and Scharber. Bill Radzwill stated that the county will be making a decision on this matter probably next month. He stated the Town Board can't approve of the air strip now as it is an illegal use right now since air strips are not covered now under the county ordinance, this makes them illegal. Al Schwab asked that I give his 3 page letter and pictures to David Fricke to be presented at the Planning & Zoning Board before they make their final decision. THIS FINISHED THE AGENDA ITEMS-. Discussion followed when Mrs. Kent Holen asked if our moritorium on new plats is still in effect.and how long it can be expected to continue. She is awaiting consideration of her new plat. Lloyd stated that he wants the new planning commission to make these decisions and hear all materials concerning rezoning, conditional use permits and this type of request. Al Schwab mentioned that the road entering Slab Town needs work (Rawlings). The board will have the county check it to see if it could be their problem. Betty Adkins was instructed to notify the following that they were selected to serve on the planning Commission: Larry Fournier, Ray Schultz, Clayton Berg, Carl Swenson, I.G. Roskaft, Wil Nordin. Mrs. Kathleen DeMars is selected as an alternate if one of these men cannot serve. Lloyd Beaudry made a motion to adjourn, Bill Schulz 2nd. Attest: