11-28-1978 Town Board MinutesMinutes of the Boar of Audit of the Town of Otsego Town Board Meeting Held Nov. 28, 1978. State of Minn. The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 28 day of Co. of Wright November, 1978. Lloyd Beaudry Chairman, Virginia Town of Otsego Bistodeau and William Schulz, Supervisors, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, William Radzwill and Dennis Plane, Attorneys were present. Bids were received for the sale of $205,000. in General Obligation Road bonds. First National Bank of Minneapolis submitted a bid of $5,8974%. The bonds are to be in denominations of $5,000.00 with the maturity dates as follows: Nov. 1, 1980 - $15,000.00 Nov. 1, 1981,1982,1983,1984 - $20,000.00 each year. Nov. 1, 1985 and 1986 - $ 25,000.00 each year. Nov. 1, 1987 and 1988 - $ 30,000.00 each year. Allison Williams submitted a bid of $6.3974% with maturity dates same as above. First National Bank of St. Paul submitted a Bid of 6.204% with maturity dates same as above. Motion made by Lloyd Beaudry to accept the bid of First National Bank of Minneapolis seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Motion made by Lloyd Beaudry authorizing the project engineer (Meyer-Rohlin) to prepare the assessment rolls,for Walesch Estates (Project A) and 80th Street and Mason Ave. (Project B), .seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Motion made by Lloyd Beaudry to hold an assessment hearing on Projects A and B on January 15, 1979 at 8:00 p.m., seconded by Willian Schulz, passed unanimously. David Reemts and David Fricke, Zoning Administrator, appeared before the Board to discuss Mr. Reemts application for a variance to obtain a permit to erect a storage building. Mr. Fricke's position was that it should not be granted because it meant an expansion of a non- conforming business. Wilmer Nordin reported that the matter had been discussed at the Nov. 9 meeting of the Otsego Planning Commission but no decision was made. William Schulz asked that if the Town Board would recommend re- zoning Mr. Reemts property, what the County Planning Commission would do. Mr. Fricke stated that after the first of the year the Township Planning Commission will be asked to review the Township's Land Use Plan and make their recommendations as to how it should be implemented. Furnace bids were discussed. Bill Schulz reported that he will have 2 bids to be submitted by the 'Dec. 4, Town Board Meeting. The Town Board discussed with Vernon Morrell about the new regu- lations concerning the Constable position to be a full time constable he must attend school for 8 weeks at his own expense. He can be a deputy constable and not be required to attend school. The voters of the Township must decide at the annual town meeting whether they want a Constable or a Deputy Constable. Attest: On motion, the meeting adjourned. $205,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1978 Town of Otsego Wright County, Minnesota TO: Town of Otsego Wright County Attn: Town Clerk OPTIONAL BID FORM Bid date: November 28, 1978 8:00 o'clock P.M., C.T. Net Interest Rate:5 8974 Total Interest Cost: $78,730.50 For all, butnot less' than all, of an issue of $205, General000mGe0 r Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1978 of the Town, dated 1978, and maturing on'November .1 in the years and amounts as follows: '$15,000 in the ;year 1980;, $20,000 in the years 19981 to 91984; $25, , $25, 1988; in the years 1985 and 1986; and $30,000 in the years in accordance with -a notice of)sale published on November 18, (noi,' in Commercial West, we will pay the .sum of $ 2Q3 032 less than $203,000),- _.plus accrued interest to nate of delivery for„ bonds bearing interest at the rates specified below: per annum. per annum per annum per 'annum per annum per annum per annum per annum per annum per annum per annum for bonds maturing for bonds maturing for,bonds maturing for; bonds maturing fpr bonds maturing for bonds maturing for bonds maturing for bonds maturing for bonds maturing for bonds maturing for bonds maturing First interest due: May 1, 1979 Bonds in denominations of $5,000 We designate in in in in in in in in the the the the the the the the years 1980 to 1988 years years years years years years years in 'the years' in the years in the years as paying agent. This offer is made subject to approval byM Minnesota, Messrs. Leaevere,to Lefler, yof Pearson, O'Brien & Drawz of Minneapolis, prior to delivery, you agreeing to furnish us said obligations, promptly and prior to the delivery of said obligations with a complete transcript of all proceedingSChdotherincident certificatessandntakef suchd . obligations, and to furnish U further action as may be necessary to make such obligation a legal and binding obligation of the Town of Otsego. You further agree to pay such service charge as the paying agent named herein may charge for handling of interest coupons and principal al payments of the above-described obligations, and to pay opinion and the printing of the obligations for signature. of This bid is made for prompt acceptance. As evidence of our good faith, we attach hereto our certified check for $4,000 made payable to your order, which may be used as liquidated damages in event we fail to comply with the above conditions. Respectfully submitted this 28th day of November, 1978. First National•Bank of Minneapolis (lXn By Vd.t QtiGr), 1,4t9tt,— EchaniL. Whelan - Bond Investment Officer The foregoing offer is hereby accepted for and on behalf of the above named Town and receipt of the above-mentioned check for $4,000 is hereby acknowledged by the undersigned duly qualified officers. TOWN OF OTSEGO By 13y Dated: Chairman Town Clerk $205,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1978 Town of Otsego Wright County, Minnesota OPTIONAL BID FORM TO: Town of Otsego Bid date: November 28, 1978 Wright County 8:00 o'clock P.M., C.T, Attn: Town Clerk Net Interest Rate: 6.3974 Total Interest Cost: $85,405.50 For all, but not less than all, of an issue of $205,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1978 of the Town, dated November 1, 1978, and maturing on November.1 in the years and amounts as follows: , $15,000 in theyear ]980;:$20,000 in the years 1981 to 1984; $25,000 in the years 1985 and'1986;,and $30,000 in the years 1987 and 1988; in accordance with a'notice.of sale published on November 18, 1978, in Commercial West, we will,; pay the sum of $203,032 (not less than $203,000), plus accrued interest to date of delivery for•; bonds -bearing interest at the rates specified below: 6.25% per annum for bonds maturing in the years 1980 to 1988 % per annumfor: bonds maturing in the years % per annum for bonds maturing in the years % per annum for bonds maturing in the years % per annum for bonds maturing in the years % per annum for bonds maturing in the years % per annum for bonds maturing in the years % per annum for bonds maturing in the years % per annum for bonds maturing in�the years % per annum for bonds maturing in the years % per annum for bonds maturing in the years First interest due: May 1, 1979 Bonds in denominations of $5,000 We designate of as paying agent. This offer is made subject to approval by Messrs. LeFevere, Lefler, Pearson, O'Brien & Drawz of Minneapolis, Minnesota, as to legality of said obligations, prior to delivery, you agreeing to furnish us promptly and prior to the delivery of said obligations with a complete transcript of all proceedings had incident to the issuance of said obligations, and to furnish such other certificates and take such further action as may be necessary to make such obligation a legal and binding obligation of the Town of Otsego. You further agree to pay such service charge as the paying agent named herein may charge for handling of interest coupons and principal payments of the above-described obligations, and to pay for the approving legal opinion and the printing of the obligations for signature. This bid is made for prompt acceptance. As evidence of our good faith, we attach hereto our certified check for $4,000 made payable to your order, which may be used as liquidated damages in event we fail to comply with the above conditions. Respectfully submitted this 28th day of November, 1978. Allison -W' ateat ohn Its• The foregoing offer is hereby accepte• - ti `r an' oneaeleto�ge Pres. above named Town and receipt of the a•e-mentio eck $4,000 is hereby acknowledged by the undersigned duly qualified officers. TOWN OF OTSEGO By By Dated: Chairman Town Clerk $205,000 GENERAL OBLoIWGAATIONOIMPRROo IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1978 ofWright County, Minnesota TO: Town of Otsego • Wright County 4•Attn: Town Clerk OPTIONAL BID FORM Bid date: "November 28, 1978 8:00 o'clock P.M.,'C.T. Net Interest Rate: 6,204 Total Interest Cost: $82,833.75 - For all, but not, less -than all, of an issue of $205,000 General Obligation"Improvement Bonds of 1978 of the Town,'` dated November 1', 1978, and maturing on November 1 in the years and amounts as follows: 000 in the years '$15000 in the year ',,1980;�;:}}`$20► 1981 to 1984; $25,000 in the years 1985 and 1986; and $30,000 in the years 1987 and 1988, in accordance with a notice of sale published on November 18, 19781 in Commercial. West, we will pay the sum of $' 203,001.25 less than $203, 000) ;.plus accrued interest toT date of delivery }£o}• bonds bearing interest at the rates specified below: 6.00%. ,per annum ,for bonds 6.20% per annum,;or bonds 5.90% per annum .for bonds 5.95% per 'annum for bonds 6.00% per annum for bonds ' % per annum for bonds % per annum for bonds % per annum for bonds % per annum for bonds % per annum for bonds % per annum for bonds First interest due: ,May 1, 1979 Bonds in denominations of'•'$5,000 We designate the First National Bank as paying agent. maturing maturing maturing maturing maturing maturing maturing maturing maturing maturing maturing the years i'n the years in the years in the years in the years in the year s in the :years in the years in'the years in the years in the years 1980 9 S_.? _t,o 1985 1986 1987 1988 Saint Paul, Minnesota This offer is made subject to approval by Messrs. LeFevere, Lefler•, Pearson, O'Brien & Drawz,of Minneapolis, Minnesota, as to legality of said obligations, prior to•delivery, you agreeing to furnish us promptly and prior to the delivery of said obligations' with a complete transcript of all proceedings had incident to the issuance of said obligations, and to furnish such other certificates and take such, further action as may be necessary to make such obligation a legal' and;: binding obligation of.,the Town of Otsego: You further agree to pay such service charge as the paying agent herein may charge for handling of interest coupons and principal of the above-described obligations, and to pay for the approving opinion and the printing of the obligations for signature. named payments legal