12-18-1978 Town Board MinutesMinutes of the Board of Audit of the Town of Otsego, Town Board Meeting held Dec. 18, 1978. State of Minn., Co. of Wright, Town of Otsego. The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 18 day of December 1978. Lloyd Beaudry, Chairman, Virginia Bistodeau and William Schulz, Supervisors, Betty Adkins, Assistant Clerk and Jerome Perrault, Clerk were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lloyd Beaudry. The minutes of the Ce. 4, 1978 Town Board meeting were approved as read. Betty Adkins reported that attorney Bill Radzwill could not find a Statute that would enable the township to declare an emergency sit- uation and adopt an ordinance requiring dog licensing. Motion made by Lloyd Beaudry to approve the actions taken by the Otsego Planning Commission at their Dec. 14, 1978 meeting as indicated in the unapproved minutes presented to the Town Board, seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously: A copy of the unapproved minutes are attached to this sheet. A furnace bid was received from Maple Grove Heating and Air Con- ditioning as follows: Install a new 200 BTU oil furnace connected to existing fuel tank with new wiring. Install 15 heat runs upstairs in floor with central air return and install 6 registers on duct in basement. Total cost of $3450.00. Dixon Plumbing and Heating presented a bid for a complete cost of $2350.00 for a : One OUA 095 oil furnace, one 787 Thermostat, All duct work, round pipe, and registers. Smoke pipe and elbows. 15 openings on main floor and 5 openings in basement. All copper lines to connect furnace to existing tank. Motion made by Virginia Bistodeau to table action on furnace bids at this time. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unanimously. The Otsego 4 -Leaves 4-H Club expressed an .interest in selling house numbers to residents of the township and requested approval of the Town Board of their project and also permission to use the town hall as a central place to sell the numbers. The Board unanimously approved the project and granted the Club permission to use the Town Hall and also authorized the Clerk to publish what ever notices would be helpful to assist the Club in their sales effort. The Town Board reviewed the assessment rolls for the bituminous surfacing projects of Walesch Estates and Mason Ave. and 80th Street. On motion the meeting adjourned. Attest: