01-15-1979 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 15th day of January, 1979. An assessment hear - Town of Otsego ing on the Bituminous Surfacing projects of Walesch Estates and 80th Street and Mason Ave. were held at this meeting. Present were Lloyd Beaudry, Chairman, Vir- ginia Bistodeau, William Schulz, Supervisors, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Ken Ashfelt from Meyer-Rohlin Engineering firm, project engineers, and Bill Radzwill, Township Attorney. The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Lloyd Beaudry. The minutes of the January 8, 1979 town board meeting were approved as read. Bill Radzwill addressed the meeting concerning the assessment roll. Assessment in the Walesch Estates project is $748.07 per lot on 101 lots. The bonds run for 10 years and the interest rate for lot holders will be 6% simple interest. The lot holders have the option of paying the full assessment within 30 days of the time the assessment roll is adopt- ed by the town board and no interest will be charged. On 80th Street and Mason Ave. project the per parcel assessment is $500.00 and the bonds run for 10 years with 6% simple interest. Pearl Adams asked the definition of a lot or parcel. Bill Radzwill said they are the same and are defined as having a tax number in the assessor's book. Robert Berning asked if the assessment would be put on before the project was completed. The Board advised there is still work to be done on back slopes, culverts, etc., and that $20,000.00 had been retained from the contractor until all work was completed. Robert Berning also stated that some driveways do not have approach pads as yet and some that are in are too narrow. Bill Radzwill said the Board could adopt the assessment roll now or wait until everything is completed. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to adopt the attached resolution adopting the assessment roll for the described projects. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau passed unanimously. Onmotion the meeting adjourned. Attest: RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Town Board has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for the improvement of the following: That part of Otsego Town roads which are within Walesch Estate and Walesch Estate Fi-,-s-t Addition; and end 'That part or Otsego Town roads which are: a. 80th Street beginning at County Road 19 to 6700 feet East of County Road 19 to Marlowe Avenue. b. Marlowe Avenue beginning at 80th Street and extending to the North, a distance of 500 feet; and That part of Otsego Town roads which are: a. Marlowe Avenue, starting at 500 feet North of 80th Street to 83rd Street, and b. On 83rd Street from Marlowe Avenue to Mason Avenue, and c. On Mason Avenue from 83rd Street to County Road 39. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE'TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF OTSEGO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, as amended, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall con- stitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assess- ment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable` in equal annual install- ments extending over a period of ten (10) years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday of January, 1980, and shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment Resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this Resolu- tion until December 31, 1980. To each subsequent installment when due shall be added interest for one (1) year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to the certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the Town Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assess- ment is paid within thirty (30) days from the adoption of this Resolution; and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to the Town Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such Nov,. payment is made. Such payment must be made before De-cember 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the next succeeding year. 4. The Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the County Auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the County, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other Town taxes. ADOPTED by the Town Board this 15' day of January, 1979. Llo'd Beaudry, Town airman ATTESTED TO: