02-20-1979 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 20th day of February, 1979. Lloyd Beaudry, Town of Otsego Chairman, Virginia Bistodeau, William Schulz, Supervisors, Ruben Bonk, Wright County Assessor, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, Pete Merges, Otsego Township Assessor, were present. The meeting was called to order, the assessors, Bonk and Merges passed out three hand-outs: 1. Wright County Average 1979 Tax Levy In Township & Cities. 2. 1978-1979 Land Value Comparison. 3. Article from Crow River News titled "Wright County Farmland To Have Higher Assessed Value". Ruben Bonk began to explain that State funds subsidize low mil- rated towns and townships. The tax value on land is based on 50% of rental value and 50% Market Value. The increase is caused ,by farm land not selling for what used to be considered farm land prices. Development and investors are increasing the value of land. 70% rental value and 30% of sales price of land give the values.oftax on farm land. Produc- tivity still will have a large basis on which to value land. On the residential side, houses have been taxes high because of the sales that give the accurate value to work with. Farm land hasn't kept up with residential property in the past and now must be evened out. Residential taxes may come down. Questions were answered from the audience (9) people were in at- tendance. t- tendance. Ruben left after the open discussion. The Town Board discussed the Albertville hearing on a proposed facility for wastewater treatment. Bill Schulz moved to hold the March 19th meeting at 7:00 p.m. (put notice in the paper noting change of time) then go to hearing in Albertville following the township meeting. Discussed the new CETA employee the township will be getting. Asked Betty Adkins to check with County as to when the position will be ad- vertised. Questioned the state revenue survey that must be done by April 1st. Lloyd Beaudry made a motion to invest in Errors and Omission Insur- ance for the Town Board Members. Virginia Bistodeau seconded, passed unanimously. The J.C.s organization asked to use the Township Hall for another meeting on Wednesday, March 21st. Town Board Approved. Bill Schulz requested a quarterly bill from the township's attorney. Virginia Bistodeau seconded, passed unanimously. Motion to adjourn. Attest: