03-19-1979 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 19th day of March 1979. Virginia Bistodeau, Town of Otsego William Schulz, Supervisors, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk were present. The meeting was called to order by Virginia Bistodeau in the absence of Chairman Lloyd Beaudry. The minutes of the March 6, 1979 Town Board meeting were approved as read. The Town Board received one complaint of mail box damage by the snow plow. The Board felt the drivers were doing as well as possible to avoid hitting mail baxes but at times the boxes were very difficult to see. Betty Adkins reported that one application had been received for the CETA position of maintenance assistant for the township, that of Gordon DeMars. He has only 6 mos. of CETA eligibility left as he worked as a CETA employee for the City of St. Michael for 6 mos.. Mr. Eastman present at the meeting, indicated he was interested in the position and was advised by the Board to go to Buffalo at the Courthouse and submit his application. Motion by Bill Schulz to approve the application of K.O.A. Camp- ground for a renewal of their "Off" sale beer license. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau. Motion by William Schulz to recess the meeting temporarily so the Board could attend the hearing in Albertville on thier proposed new sewage plant system, as the waste water from their stabilization ponds would be discharged through the Town of Otsego to the Mississippi River. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, Among the questions asked by Otsego residents were whether there would be any odor in the area where the pipe along McIver Av. emptied into the creek which was to carry the waste water to the Mississippi. Whether they would discharge more often than twice a year (spring and late fall) if the ponds filled up quicker than that do to population increases or greater use by industry. Following the hearing, the Town Board meeting reconveded with Lloyd Beaudry now present. Lloyd Beaudry took his oath of office as Supervisor as he was re- elected at the Annual Meeting. Lloyd Beaudry was elected Chairman of the Board for the ensuing year. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: