05-07-1979 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 7th day of May, 1979. Lloyd Beaudry, Chairman, Town of Otsego William Schulz, Virginia Bistodeau, Supervisors Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, Sewis Pouliot, Treas. Jerome Perrault, Clerk were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lloyd Beaudry. The minutes of the April 16, 1979 Town Board meeting were approved as read. A further discussion of dog control was held with 3 members of the dog control committee in attendance. Ken Gabbert felt that existing dog control ordinance was sufficient if enforced. He stated that he did not think the present dog catcher (Blaine Midway) was not doing all he could according to the ordinance to control dogs. It was in general agreement of the committee that requiring licensing of all dogs would be helpful in controling the problem of dogsrunning loose. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to consult township attorney (upon recom- mendation of township dog control committee) regarding amending the dog control ordinance to include licensing of all dogs and other necessary changes. Seconded by Bill Schulz, passed unanimously. A group of residents from Great River Acres presented a petition requesting that the Town Board consider bituminous surfacing fo the streets in their area. The Board accepted the petition and agreed to set up a hearing on the proposed project. Walter Niesen appeared before the Board to complain that Arlyn Bajari had put up an electric fence that was too close to the township road leading to some land owned by Mr. Niesen. The Board advised him they would contact Mr. Bajari and ask him to remove the fence. Edward Gren- inger said that if Mr. Bajari did not remove the fence soon, he would take it down. Mr. Miesen also asked the Town Board if they would continue to main- tain the township road along the south border of the Archie Lindenfelser farm to the west township line as the road is the only access to 46 acres of land that Mr. Niesen owns in Monticello Township just accross the West line of Otsego Township. The Board replied they would check the Township road records to see if it was a two or four rod road and would continue to maintain it as it was laid out. appeared before the Town Board to request a Dead End sign g-e--IFT-a7E-Jd on the town road by his property just north of the Otsego Town Hall site. He also felt the access road to the Mississippi River just west of the Town Hall site should be marked with No -Litter sings as the area is being abused. He also has a neighbor with 4 dogs that create a nuisance by barking night and day. The Board advised him to contact the Wright Co. Sheriff regarding the dog nuisance problem. He also advised the Board that the cars parked by Tony's Tavern are doing considerable damage to the Township Road by driving through the ditch to enter the road. Bonnie Shierts also appeared before the Board to complain about cars parking on the edge of the township road by the Tavern and also whether she could request the tavern owner to build a fence or barrier along the border between her property and the tavern property. Motion by Bill Schulz that the Town Board should investigate all aspects of the situation by the Tavern regarding parking, road damage, noise problems, etc. and make their recommendations following the in- vestigation. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Page 2. Continuation of minutes of May 7, 1979 meeting. appeared before the Board to complain about the dust problem on gba—Street in the River Ranch development. Ed Greninger said that he did not think that black magic would help on this street because of the heavy traffic load. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to have a public hearing on blacktopping all streets in the 1st & 2nd Additions of River Ranch at the same time they have the hearing on blacktopping Great River Acres streets. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. The Town Board requested Betty Adkins to contact some companies regarding cost estimates on seal coating the bituminous roads in the 3rd and 4th Additions of River Ranch. Regarding Donald Praught's request for a driveway into some farm land owned by him, the Board advised Ed Greninger that if Donald Praught would buy the Culvert for the driveway, the Town Board would assist in the installation of the driveway and culvert. The Albertville City Council appeared before the Board to discuss the progress of the new Albertville Waste Water Treatment Plant which will discharge waste water through Otsego Township to the Mississippi River twice yearly in early spring and late fall when the stabilization ponds fill up. Paul Meyer, project engineer said that P.C.A. had ap- prover all of their plans and construction would probably begin in a year. Virginia Bistodeau expressed concern that the farmers along the creek were not satisfied as to the quality of the water that would be discharged and whether it would be harmful to livestock. Lloyd Beaudry asked if it would be possible for the discharge pipe along McIver Av. to empty into the creek away from the road as there is a house directly accross the road. Paul Meyer thought that this could be done. Virginia Bistodeau reported on attending a Wright Co. Commissioners meeting at which they outlined their 5 year road improvement plans. She said that Co. Rd. 130 will be up for approval by State Legis- lature as a State Aid Road. Co. Road 39 from Monticello to Co. Road 19 will be rebuilt within 5 years along with Great River Road recommendations which would include 8 ft. tarred shoulders. The shoulders would also be built along the rest of Co. Rd. 39 to State Highway 101. The Board adopted the following resolution: Be it resolved by the Town of Otsego in Wright Co. that a population estimate of 5563 be ap- proved and hereby adopted for the Town of Otsego and that this number be reported to the State Demographer for purposes of determining local gov- ernment aid pursuant to Section 477A.01. That the Township hereby certifies that the population cited in Section 1 of this resolution was determined by use of the housing unit method approved by the Office of State Demographer pursuant to M.S. 275.53 Subdivision 3. Motion to adopt this resolution make by Lloyd Beaudry, seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Motion made by Virginia Bistodeau to investigate the cost of purchas- ing new voting booths to replace the old permanent wooden ones. Seconded by Bill Schulz, passed unanimously. Proceeding as a Board of Audit, the Town Board audited and allowed verified accts. Nos.43 to 78 inculsive. The Treasurer reported a balance of $24,000.00 in the General Fund prior to this meeting. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: