05-21-1979 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 21st day of May, 1979. Virginia Bistodeau and Town of Otsego William Schulz, Supervisors, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, were present. The meeting was called to order by Virginia Bistodeau in the absence of Chairman Lloyd Beaudry. Al Schwab appeared before the Board to discuss the soccer field located in the County Park in the Northwest corner of Mississippi Shores. He would like to have the township mower now the field for them. They have several soccer teams made up of boys from the area using the field. Virginia Bistodeau siad that there are grants available to improve the Park. Al Schwab said that he would be interested as money is needed to •improve the soccer and football field and to build a baseball and soft- ball field. There are no restroom facilities, no picnic tables or swings for children available now. As it is a County Park, the Town Board felt the County Board should be contacted to see if they would give financial assistance to mow the area and other improvements. Dennis Goodin and son appeared ipfore the Board to request a condit- ional use permit for a mobile home on his farm for his son's use. The Township Planning Commission had approved the application at their last meeting. The Town Board granted ther approval. Motion made by Virginia Bistodeau that the Sheriff be notified not to accept calls regarding dogs and to notify Blain Midway All Pets not to accept calls from the Sheriffs office regarding picking up dogs. Blaine Midway should accept calls only from Betty Adkins or Town Board members. Seconded by William Schulz. The Town Board approved the application of Mary Baufield to rezone her farm from A-2 agricultural to B-1 and C.U.P. Commercial Complex. The application is on the May 31 agenda of the Wright Co. Planning Com- mission. The farm is located on State Highway 101 and the Board feels this is an area that should be considered for commercial development. The Town Board approved the application of Leander Becker to re- zone 5 acres from A-2 agricultural to R-2 Residential. Betty Adkins reported having contacted Buffalo Asphalt Sealcoating Co. and Elk River Bituminous regarding cost estimates of seal coating some of the blacktop roads in the township. The cost estimates from Elk River Bituminous would be about $10,000.00 per mile. It will be necessary to advertise for bids on the project. Motion by Virginia Bistodeau to order One Master Stall and 4 Annex Stall voting booths from Walter S. Booth & Son. Seconded by William Schulz, passed. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: