07-02-1979 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 2nd day of July, 1979. Lloyd Beaudry, Chairman, Town of Otsego Virginia Bistodeau, William Schulz, Supervisors, Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk were present. The meeting was called to order by Lloyd Beaudry, Chairman Discussed the 80th St. and Mason Av. Road Project, rain has washed away the gravel that was just put on last week. Decided to wait on fur- ther discussion until later when Ken Ashfelt would be at the meeting. Read a letter Betty Adkins received from Metcalf, Larson regarding the George Johnson case. Instructed Betty Adkins to get Bill Radzwill's opinion on what responce if any the Township should send to Metcalf & Larson. William Schulz said to check on whether the assessment was ever put on Johnson's taxes. Hugo Maunu, resident of Mississippi Shores reported that errosion is taking place in the right of way along the natural drainage ditch which divides most of the 4th & 5th Addition on 96th Street. Will have Betty Adkins and Ed Greninger check on this problem. Virginia Bistodeau reported on a Wright County Park Board meeting she attended, Park Board had no monies available in the five (5) year com- prehensive plan for Otsego Township. But that some road correction and build-up will be done in Mississippi Shores Park Land. Elk River J.C.s had some playground equipment offered to themfree if they would dismantle and remove but the county owns the park so permission must come from them. Mike Schmidt, Co. Park Chairman, offered picnic tables, fire rings but then all were denied later. Discussion then went to the Great Rer Road Pro- ject. Co. Commissioners want input from Townships regarding Federal money that is available if the County and Township cooperate and get involved in the Project. The July 16th Town Board meeting will be an informational meeting on proposed parks in Otsego Township that would be a part of the Great River Road Project. A notice of this informational meeting will appear in next weeks papers, Elk River Star News & Monticello Times, the J.C.s will be called and asked to get people out to discuss this issue. The County is considering paying the Township to mow the parkland. 9:00 p.m. Ken Ashfelt and Lawrence Kreger appeared before the Board much discussion followed regarding the entire road project and what the Town Board is going to require before any final payment is made on the project. Ken Ashfelt agreed to contact Hardrives and determine exactly what type of shoulder seeding will be done on the project, the problem of who is to furnish the black dirt for the seeding is in question. If the Township is responsible for supplying the black dirt the cost will be in the area of $13,000.00 and bids will be necessary. Virginia Bistodeau stated that the Town Board members do not want to receive phone calls on payment due from anyone, the Township bills get paid on the first Monday of each month and the policy will be followed in this case. William Schulz made amotion that final payment on the project be held off until the roads are all done to the Township's satisfaction, seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unanimously. William Schulz wants the large culverts on 83rd Street and Mason Av, where the creek goes throught to be built up and rip rap added to maintain the shoulder. Lloyd Beaudry stated that if Harddrives will complete the job, the Township wants inspections on the job to see it is done properly. Ken Ashfelt stated he would see it is done right. If the black dirt is done at Township expense then Kreger should put on good Page 2. Continuation of minutes of July 2, 1979 meeting. black dirt. In Walesch Estates repair of torn up road will be repaired and the bill sent to Ron Pouliot of River Bend, for damage that was done when a mobile was taken out. Walesch Estates needs some shoulders - that will be brought up at the July 16th meeting. Betty Adkins was asked to get a bid on Errors & Ommissions Insurance from Arlan Middleton. Virginia Bistodeau requested a payment of $5.00 per meeting for the members of the Otsego Township Planning Commission, Lloyd Beaudry seconded, passed unanimously. William Schulz made motion to buy a self propelled power mower for the Township's use, $200.00 being top price, seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unanimously. Proceeding as a board of audit, Town Board audited and allowed verified accounts Nos. 103 - 129 inclusive. 11:30 meeting adjourned. Attest: