07-16-1979 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 16th day of July, 1979. Lloyd Beaudry, Chair - Town of Otsego man, Virginia Bistodeau, William Schulz, Super- visors, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, were present. The meeting was called to order by Lloyd Beaudry, Chairman. The minutes of the July 2, 1979 town board meeting were approved as read. The first item on the agenda was an informational discussion on parks and the parks that were planned in connection with the Great River Road Project. Virginia Bistodeau stated that Otsego does not have any parks at this time and no money has been appropriated for parks in Otsego in the Wright Co. five year plan. Andy Golfus, of the Dept. of Transportation addressed the meeting concerning plans for parks in the area in connect- ion with the Great River Road project. Funds have been set aside for these projects 70% federal funding and 30% local. 310 million in Federal Funds have been approved for the Great Rker Road and 12.5 million in Minnesota State Funding has been approved. He showed slides which indicated the routes the road would follow from Lake Itasca to the Gulf of Mexico using for the most parts roads that are already constructed. In Otsego the route is Wricht Co.39 and Wright Co. 36. In this area all routes have been.selected, informational meetings have been held and Federal approval has been obtained. In this area the proposed Great River Parks sites are a Scenic Overlook planned for Battle Rapids on the East edge of Monticello, the Lily Pond Park site where Kadler Ave. approaches the Mississippi River in Otsego Township. The Lily Pond Park would in- clude a picnic area, restroom facilities and overnight camping area. The third site in the area was a scenic overlook where the Crow River and Mississippi River join at Dayton. The park would be in Otsego. Recently suggested by Wright Co. and Otsego Township is to have the development of the River Ranch park site included in the Great River Road project. If the River Ranch Park is included 96th St. would be the access route and as it is already a Co. Park no land aquisition would be necessary. Al Schwab and the local J.C. Members commented that they would like to see softball and soccer fields, picnic facilities, rest- room facilities and playground equipment inculded in the development of the River Ranch Park. Mr. Golfus states that funding for recreational facilities by the Great River Road project might be questionable. Mr. Golfus said that the Great River Road project has approved fund- ing for the parks but as yet Wright Co. has not made any committment to help develop the parks and are waiting for the local government (Otsego Township) to indicate their interest in wanting them developed. Once developed, the park maintenance would be the responsibility of local government. The Town Board asked the people in attendance to contact locat Wright Co. Commissioner Lowell Lachman and local Wright Co. Park Board member Lloyd Sims to encourage them to approve development of the parks. Virginia Bistodeau stated that one reason the Wright Co Board is reluctant to approve money for parks is because of the vandalism in the Co. Parks now in use. By show of hands, the majority of the people in attendance preferred the Crow River - Mississippi River junction as the No. 1 priority park in the area. Seal coating bids were received for the seal coating of approximately 2 miles of road in the 3rd & 4th Additions of Mississippi Shores. Buffalo Seal Coating submitted a bid of $.40 per sq. yd. and Midwest Seal Coating of Princeton, MN. submitted a bid of $.97 per sq. yd. Page, 2. Continuation of minutes of July 16, 1979 meeting. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to accept the bid of Buffalo Seal Coating, seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Dennis Goodin appeared before the Board to request approval for a permit for a mobile home as an accessory use on his farm. The applicat- ion will be heard again at the July 19, meeting of the Wright Co. Plan- ning Commission. Motion by William Schulz to approve the permit, seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unanimously. Ken Ashfelt (Meyer Rohlin) appeared before the Board with a proposal to apply 24,000 yds. of black dirt to the ditch banks of 80th St. and Mason Av. and 12 tons of mulch along with grass seed at a cost of $1800.00. The work would be done by Oak Hill Gravel and Construction Co. The discussion continued about the cost of licensing dogs. Virginia made a motion that the first license fee be $5.00 for a two year period and $1.00 fenewal fee, seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed. The rabies shots will be effective for a two year period. George Johnson matter discussed, William Schulz wants the matter terminated and not continued any longer. Vriginia make motion "Because of the delay in communication between all parties, we have decided to dis- contunue the whole Matter." , Seconded by William Schulz, passed. Betty Adkins was instructed to send a letter to that effect. Lawrence Kolles matter, Bill made motion to allow to rezone to allow for bill boards, Lloyd Beaudry seconded, passed. William Schulz brought matter of funds available to planning com- mission for planning commission purposes. $1.000.00 was requested of Town Board for funds to be used in preparing the Comprehensive Plan. Virginia Bistodeau made motion to approve of requests individually before funds are granted, William Schulz seconded, passed. Asked Betty Adkins to get an opinion from Attorney Radzwill on hearing for increasing taxes. Discussed a request from Don Klares, St. Michael, to have Gordy DeMars new the St. Michael Park area. Betty Adkins asked to check on liability involved and to check with the CETA office to see if this would be allowed. William Schulz asked that Betty Adkins get an estimate of costs for publishing the minutes of Town Board Meetings in the Star News. Town Board Officers meeting scheduled for July 18, 1979, Buffalo Courthouse. Otsego Town Board members will attend. Discussed last billing from dog catcher, Virginia made motion: "as of August 1, 1979 no calls from Sheriff or Wright Co. shall be paid for unless an extreme emergency." Seconded by William Schulz, passed. Lloyd asked Betty Adkins to send a letter to Blain Midway All Pets stating this. William Schulz made motion to have side wall dimision entered on permit applications for garages and accessory buildings. Virginia seconded, passed. Town Board signed permit applications. Lloyd Beaudry moved adjournment, virginia seconded. Attest: