08-06-1979 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 6th day of August, 1979. Lloyd Beaudry, Chair Town of Otsego man, Virginia Bistodeau, William Schulz, Super- visors, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer were present. Meeting was called to order by Chairman, Lloyd Beaudry. Minutes of the July 16, 1979, Town Board were read and approved with one correction, Virginia Bistodeau seconded the motion by William Schulz to approve a mobile home permit for Dennis Goodin as an accessory use on his farm, Lloyd Beaudry abstained. Dean Hanson of Buffalo Seal Coating to present his bill of $13,102.00 for seal coating the bituminous roads in Mississippi Shores 3rd and 4th Additions. The Town Board approved payment of the bill. Mr. & Mrs. *lames Wolff appeared before the Town Board to request approval for an "ON and Off" sale beer license, a cigarette license, and a set-up license for Tony's Tavern. Motion to approve the applications was made by Lloyd Beaudry, secon- ded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Bruce Rask appeared before the Board to request a legal entrance to Wright Co. 39 from Ochoa Av. as people are now driving thru the ditch. Betty Adkins reported that the County Engineer will be down to check the situation as it is a CountyRoad. George Sebeck appeared before the Board to request a permit for a mobile home to be placed on his land for his parents to live in. He owns 15 acres of land. Betty Adkins said he is on the agenda for the Otsego Planning Commission meeting this Thrusday, August 9, and he would also have to have approval of the Wright Co. Planning Commission. At the present time, the County Planning Commission is only approving mobile homes as a conditional use accessory to a farm or in approved mobile home parks. A petition was received from Vasseurs Oak Grove 1st and 2nd Additions to black top the roads in their additions. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to accept the petition and to have Attorney Bill Radzwill proceed with plans to hold a hearing on the project. Secon- ded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Motion by William Schulz to have Meyer Rohlin to change bituminous surfacing plans and specificaton§ for the Great River Acres Project and Mississippi Shores 1st and 2nd Additions project to have them call for a 7 ton road instead of a 5 ton road. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, pas- sed unanimously. Virginia Bistodeau reported having talked to Donald Klares, City Clerk of St. Michael. St. Michael would like to hire Gordon DeMars and the Township mower to cut weeds in the City of St. Michael. They are also interested in hiring Gordon DeMars part time for the months of Oc- tober, November and December. CETA will only pay half of Gordon DeMars's wages for those 3 months and the other half would be split between Otsego and St. Michael. Ed Greninger said it would be possible for Gordon DeMars to cut weeds for St. Michael one day a week at the present time. The Board felt they should charge $20.00 per hour for the use of man, tractor and mower. However the Board felt they should check with Elmer Beaudry to the township liability insurance would cover men and equipment for use out of the Township and also with Wally Gustafson, State Attorney for townships, on insurance coverage for work outside the township. Page 2. Continuation of minutes of August 6, 1979 meeting. Betty Adkins reported that the Otsego Planning Commission has been working on a comprehensive plan for the township and hopes to have it ready for presentation to the Town Board at the August 20, 1979 town board meeting. Betty Adkins reported that Attorney Bill Radzwill has advised her that the township cannot permit parking of cars or vehicles on township property. Lewis Pouliot reported a balance of $60,000.00 in the General Fund and that he has renewed a $50,000. Certificate of Deposit. Proceeding as a board of audit, the Town Board audited and allowed verified accounts, Nos. 130 to 162 inclusive. On motion, the meeting adjourned.