08-20-1979 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 20th day of Auguat, 1979 at 8:00 p.m. Present Town of Otsego were Chairman Lloyd Beaudx4y, Supervisors Vir- ginia Bistodeau and William Schulz, Clerk Jerome Perrault, Asst. Clerk Betty Adkins. Also present were Otsego Planning Commission members Carl Swenson, Ray Schultz, Clayton Berg, Larry Four- neir, and Kay DeMhrs, and Attorney Bill Radzwill. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lloyd Beaudry. The minutes of the August 6, 1979 meeting were approved as read. Carl Swenson addressed the meeting to present the Comprehensive Plan as prepared by the Otsego Planning Commission. The Plan will also be presented to the Wright Co. Planning Commission and County' Board of Commissioners. If approved by the County Board, it would become part of County Plan as pertaining to Otsego Township. Carl Swenson listed the goals of the Comprehensive Plan as fol - 1. Orderly development of adequate housing to meet the needs of an expanding population. 2. Encouragement of sound commercial and industrial development to provide local jobs and expanding tax base. 3. Protection of prime agricultural land from exploitation through ill timed development by speculators. 4. Provision of adequate park and recreation areas before desire - able sites have been developed for other uses. Copies of complete Comprehensive Plan can be obrained by contacting Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, at her Town Hall office. Virginia Bistodeau asked if a map would be provided to indicate future plans for the township. Carl Swenson said that for the present it will be presented in narrative form. Bill Radzwill brought up the point that the Housing Section of the plan should consider possible future Federal Funding because of high building costs. Bill Radzwill addressed the meeting concerning the Plan. As Otsego is an urban township it has the power to adbpt its own Planning and Zoning. He listed the following positive reasons for having their own Plan. Under the existing County Plan you have to depend on County for decissions and governing. Local control would give better direction of local conditions and better control of local problems. Township would be in a better position to attract potential busin- ess to provide employment opportunities. On the negative would be the greater financial cost. The Township would need its oun building inspector, more staff help, and its own legal counsel. The question was asked if the Township should consider incorparation as Elk River would probably consider annexing part of Otsego if commercial development would occur along State Highway 101. Bill Radzwill said there would be no way to prevent annexation unless the Township would incorporate. However incorporation would be costly. Another point would be loss of County police protection. It would then be necessary to contract for police protection from the County and would be expensive. Ed Palmer asked if the Comprehensive Plan had any plans or time- table for incorparation. Carl Swenson replied that no time -table had been established. lows: Page 2. Continuation of minutes of August 20, 1979 meeting. Lloyd Beaudry asked if it would be possible to adopt a partial Planning and Zoning plan to cover certain areas such as housing. Bill Radzwill said that would be possible if agreement could be reached with the County. Motion by Virginia Bistodeau to approve a conditional use permit for Joyce Kongsjord to sell dolls as a home business, subject to yearly renewal. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry passed unanimously. Mrs. Kongsjord lives at 15446 NE 95th Street in Mississippi Shores 2nd Addition, Lot 12 Block 2. Motion by William Schulz that a record should be kept of conditional use permits and home businesses so that Town Board could review them yearly or oftener. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unanimously. Virginia Bistodeau reported that the Township is eligible to hire and employee for six months under the CETA program. The Board felt they should discuss with Ed Greninger the need for another employee. Motion by Virginia Bistodeau to have Rich Murray advertise for an employee for 6 months under the CETA program. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unanimously. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to have Meyer Rohlin consider all three bituminous projects at one time and to consider bidding all three pro- jects at one time (Mississippi Shores 1st and 2nd Attitons, Great River Acres, and Vasseur's Oak Grove lst and 2nd Additions). Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Virginia Bistodeau moved that Section of the revised Dog Ordinance be omitted. It pertains to dogs being a nuisance as it duplicates the County Ordinance. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unanimously. Betty Adkins reported that the Dog Ordinance will be published in the Star News and Shopper and licensing will be in effect on Sept. 1, 1979, following publication. Motion by William Schulz to secure bids on a furnace and bathroom facilities for the Town Hall. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unan- imously. Motion by William Schulz to purchase a pull type rotary mower from Bergstrom Bros., seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: