09-04-1979 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 4th day of September, 1979. Lloyd Beaudry, Town of Otsego Chairman, William Schulz, Virginia Bistodeau, Supervisors, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Lewis Pouliot, Treas. and Carl Swenson, Chairman of Otsego Planning Commission were present. Meeting was called to order by William Schulz. The minutes of the Aug. 20, 1979 town board meeting were approved as read. Carl Swenson presented the Town Board with a map indicating the land use plan part of the Comprehensive Plan for the Township. Carl Swenson asked the Board if they had any questions converning the Plan. Virginia Bistodeau indicated that in the paragraph on future road improvements, assessing the full cost of bituminous surfacing should pertain only to platted areas. Motion by Virginia Bistodeau to accept the Comprehensive Plan with the addition that bituminous surfacing projects in platted areas should be fully assessed to abutting property owners. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Glen Lindenfelser appeared before the Board to complain of a drain- age problem along the service road in Beaudry's Addition adjacent to Wright Co. 19. The heavy rains flood the road ditch and plug his drain field which backs up and floods his basement. The Board said they would have Meyer Rohlin, Engineer, check the problem. A resident of 88th Street asked if it would be possible for the Board to consider blacktopping their street. The Board replied that the first step would be a petition from the residents along the street indicating they want the project done. Betty Adkins reported that the Co. Engineer had checked the illegal entrance of Ochoa Av. onto Wright Co. 39 and said that if the township wanted to make an entrance at that point it would be done at township expense. Motion by William Schulz that the County take proper corrective measures to discourage the direct entrance of Ochoa Ave. onto Wright Co. 39 via the ditch instead of using the service road, also improve the general appearance of the area. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Walter Niesen appeared before the Board to request a bus turn around or improvement of the driveway so the bus could turn around by his farm. Also the road from his farm up to the railroad tracks needs improvement. The Board replied that they and Edward Greninger would check the area and make their recommendations. Motion by William Schulz to apply for a grant of $8700.00 for the purpose of erecting street signs, stop and yeild signs, and speed limit signs. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to have Blaine -Midway start dog patrolling 4 hours weekly for the next 2 months and then review the situation at that time. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Martin Zilisch appeared before the Board to complain of a drainage problem on his lot at 17950 NE 62nd Lane along the Crow River. The water along the road runs accross his lot to the river. The Board replied Page 2. Continuation of minutes of Sept. 4, 1979meeting. that they and Edward Greninger would view the problem and recommend a solution. Motion by William Schulz to approve paying tuition and books for Betty Adkins to complete two courses required for certification as a building. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Virginia Bistodeau make the suggestion that as the Township can obtain a CETA employee for 6 months at $3.50 per hour, they should consider a woman to assist Betty Adkins with office work. The Board audited and allowed verified accounts Nos. 163 to 196 inclusive. On mation, the meeting adjourned. Attest: