10-01-1979 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright lst day of October, 1979. Lloyd Beaudry, Chair - Town of Otsego man, Virginia Bistodeau, William Schulz, Super- visors, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, Jerome Perrault Clerk, Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lloyd Beaudry. The minutes of the Sept. 17, 1979 Town Board meeting were approved as read. Arlan Middleton of the St. Michael Agency addressed the Board con- cerning errors and omissions insurance for the town officials. The policy does not cover personal injury claims. The policy covers claims while in force but not claims that are brought against the Board after the policy has expired even though the violation may have occurred while the policy was in effect. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to accept the policy pending Attorney Bill Radzwill's approval. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passes unanimously. Mike Schmidt addressed the meeting concerning Great River Acres Park sites. The Crow River Overlook site is not available because the land can not be purchased. The Lily Pond Lane site has been purchased b by the DNR and is not available. The Great River Road will consider funding the Mississippi Shores Park site if the Town Board will be wil- ling to designate 96th Street as an entrance road and be willing to up- grade it to a 7 ton road. Motion by William Schulz to apply for Great River Road funding for Mississippi Shores Park and express the Board's willingness to upgrade 96th to a 7 ton road. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Mrs.Glen Lindenfelser appeared before the Board to discuss the water problem on her lot. Lloyd Beuadry advised her the County Engineer has checked the ditch along Co. 19 and has agreed to lower the ditch at a high point south of their lot. The Board said they would be willing to put a culvert under the service road to Co. 19 ditch if a survey shows it would help. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Sorenson appeared before the Board to discuss their conditional use permit for a dog kennel on their property. A letter from David Fricke was read citing violations of their conditional use permit. Also a letter from M. Eastman, a neighbor of the Sorensons, to Mr. Fricke was citing numerous violations of their permit. A hearing on the per- mit was held by the Wright Co. Planning Commission on Sept. 27, 1979 and another hearing will be held on October 18th. Motion by Virginia Bistodeau that the Board recommend that the Co. Planning Commission make a site inspection of the lot and dog kennel prior to the Oct. 18, 1979 hearing. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. appeared before the Board to request subdividing a 4.3 acre lot in Vasseur Estates to 2 lots. A father and son wish to buy the lot and put in two double wide Mobile Homes. The Board advised her the County would probably not approve the subdivision as the lots would be less than 21/2 acres each and would not meet the width requirements for road frontage. The request will be heard by the Otsego Planning Commission and must also be heard by the Wright Co. Planning Commission. Page 2. Continuation of Oct. 1, 1980 minutes. The unpaid grass fire call of Emil Baufield was discussed. In- surance agent Dan Green advised Betty Adkins that Emil Baufield did not start the fire and does not feel he should pay for it. The Board advised Betty Adkins to contact Dan Greene and request a written state- ment from Emil Baufield stating that he did not start the fire and if received the Board will cancel the bill and pay for the fire call. Edward Greninger discussed with the Board concerning future road improvements. He felt the Board should consider rebuilding 80th St. from Co. 19 west one mile to Kadler Av. and Kadler Ave. from 80th St. south to where it dead ends at 1-94,. His opinion was they should contact some contractors this fall so they could check the roads now and be able to bid the jobs before the spring breakup so an earlier start could be obtained. Purchase of a copying machine was discussed. The use of Revenue Sharing money to purchase a copying machine was discussed. Motion by William Schulz to have a representative from Zerox Co. attend the next Board meeting and discuss purchasing a machine or possibly leasing a machine. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unanimously. Ed Greninger discussed purchasing a C.B. system for use in the trucks and grader. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry authorizing Ed Greninger to purchase a C.B. system. Seconded by Virginia Bisbodeau, passed unanimously. The Board also authorized Ed Greninger to order the salt and sand mix he felt he needed for this winter. The Treasurer reported a bank balance of $87,671.98 with $64,744.55 in General Fund, $12,910.12 in Revenue Sharing and $893.08 in Fire Fund. Proceeding as a board of audit, the Town Board audited and allowed verified accounts Nos. 197 to 228 inclusive. On motion the meeting adjourned. Attest: