10-15-1979 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 15th County of Wright day of October, 1979 at 8:00 p.m. Lloyd Beaudry, Town of Otsego Chairman, Virginia Bistodeau, William Schulz, Su- pervisors, Betty Adkins, Asst, Clerk, Jerome Per- rault, Clerk were present. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Lloyd Beaudry. Minutes of Oct. 1, 1979 town board meeting were approved as read. Rose Whiting appeared before the Board to apply for the CETA position of Maintenance Assistant. The job will be 40 hrs. a week for 6 months with a possible extension of 6 months, @ $3.70 per hour. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to hire Rose Whiting beginning Oct. 17, 1979. Seconded by William Schulz passed unanimously. Mr. & Mrs. Buckmaster appeared before the Board to request a permit to put a double wide mobile home on their lot to replace their house destroyed by fire. Betty Adkins said that according to the County Ordii. nance double wide mobiles are not permitted except in designated mobile home parks. Ed Greninger reported that Robasse Construction had checked 80th St. from Co. #19 west to Kadler Ave. and Kadler Av. from 80th St. South to 1-94. He gave an estimated cost of construction for a 28 ft. wide road of at least $8,000.00 per mile. The Board reviewed three applications to be heard before the Wright Co. Planning Commission on Oct. 25, 1979. Donadl Praught's application for a mobile home as an accessory to his farm was approved. The application of Gus Jones to subdivide a 4.3 lot in Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates into 2 lots. The Board recommended tabling action on this application until the Otsego Planning Commission could make a site in- spection. The application of Beda Iverson to subdivide part of her land on Co. #36 into 6 lots of 2 or more acres each. The Town Board recommended approval of the 3 northetly lots but the 3 southerly lots will not meet the Wild and Scenic River setback limits and will not be buildable lots unless they are combined into one lot. The used car business and car repair business of David Reemts was discussed. The Board had recommended that he be allowed to continue in business for 15 mos. in July of 1978 and the 15 months are now up. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry that the State be advised that Mr. Reemts is in violation of his used car license. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Mike Schendzielos appeared before the Board to discuss road con- struction projects. On the 80th St. from Co. #19 West to Kadler Av. and Kadler Av. from 80th St. South to 1-94 he gave an estimated construction cost of from $15,000.00 to $17,000.00. Motion by Virginia Bistodeau to purchase a Xerox 2600 Copying Machine providing it can be kept in a cold building during the winter. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Motion by William Schulz to have Betty Adkins check the possibility of having a lot owned by Gene Weber in Walesch Estates cleaned up legally as Mr. Weber has failed to do so and can not be found. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. There is a burned out mobile home and other junk on the lot. Page 2. Continuation of Oct. 15, 1979 meeting minutes. Paul Meyer and Ken Ashfelt of Meyer-Rohlin appeared before the Board to discuss the bituminous projects in Great River Acres, Vasseru's 1st and 2nd Additions, and Mississippi Shores 1st and 2nd Additions and see what plan the Board preferred. Plan one would be to widen the existing roads to a 26 ft. top by hauling in material to build up the shoulders and lay a 20 ft. wide mat 2 inches thick with 3 ft. shoulders and grovel base or all bituminous base of 4 to 6 inches with a 2 inch wearing coarse, ending up with a road about 1 ft. higher than present. Plan two would be to cut down the existing road and use that material to build up the shoulders to make 26 ft. road with a 20 ft. wide mat and 3 ft. shoulders and then use either a gravel base or all bituminous base 4 to 6 inches thick with a 2 inch wearing coarse. The third plan would be not to widen the existing road, use an 18 ft. wide mat and no shoulders. All plans would be a 7 ton design. Plan one would cost approxi- mately $3,200.00 per lot, plan two $2,700.00 per lot, and plan three $1,600.00 per lot. The Board elimated plan 3 as being a road that would not last and indicated a preference for plan 2 as being less expensive that plan one and also the road would be the same height as the existing roads. The Board also thought they would request bids either way as far as using gravel base or bituminous base. Motion by William Schulz to have Meyer-Rohlin proceed with a feasi- bility study on the 3 projects and have Bill Radzwill arrange for a public hearing on the three projects. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unanimously. On motion the meeting adjourned. Attest: