11-05-1979 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 5th County of Wright day of November, 1979 at 8:00 p.m. Lloyd Beaudry, Town of Otsego Chairman, William Schulz, Virginia Bistodeau, Su- servisors, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, Jerome Per- rault, Clerk, Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer were present. The meeting was called to order by acting Chairman, William Schulz. C.E. Campbell of the International Harvester Co. addressed the meet- ing. His company has taken over the former Hall Equipment business and handle a complete line of equipment for road use such as Gallion graders and International 4 wheel loaders. In addition to selling equipment, they also have a rental program, for example, a $72;000.00 machine can be rent- ed for 5 years for $63,000.00. Betty Adkins reported that Meyer-Rohlin has made a survey by Glen Lindenf el ser' s lot and ther is a 3/10 of a foot drop from the service road ditch to the Co. #19 ditch. It would be up to the Board to decide if it would help drainage by placing a culvert under the service road. Orlin Island appeared before the Board to complain about the pro- posed subdivision of a 4.3 acre inVasseurs by Gus Jones. She said that he was in the blacktop business and intended eventually to move trucks and equipment onto the lot. A group of residents of Vasseur's 3rd & 4th additions complained about speeding on the streets intheir area, especially garbage trucks and UPS trucks. The Board advised the best way to stop speeding would be to have the Wright Co. Sheriff patrol the roads. The problem of Wally Niesen moving in a house without a permit was discussed. Betty Adkins said he is placing the house on a wood foundation and the building will not meet the building code regulations. She said the County will be taking action against Mr. Niesen. Betty Adkins reported that she will be attending ameeting with the DNR and Mike Schmidt of the Great River Road project to discuss the pro- posed Lily Pond Lane Park site. The DNR" has, arr option to buy the 20 acre site and the Great River Road project wanted the land for a park. Motion by William Schulz to purchase a used electric typewriter for the Town Hall office. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Ken Ashfelt of Meyer-Rohlin presented the Board with a bill for $37,415.70 as the final payment to Hardrives for the bituminous projects of Walesch Estates and Mason Av. and 80th St. The Board feels there are numerous places expecially in Walesch Estates where the blacktop is less than the 2 inch layer the contract called for and is now breaking up. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry that the Board pay $20,000.00 of the requested $37,415.70 final payment at this time and re-inspect the roads again before making any more payments. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Proceeding as a board of audit, the Town Board audited and allowed verified accounts Nos. 230 to 270 inclusive. Motion by Virginia Bistodeau that the constable be required to attend meetings inside the Town Hall while the meeting is in session. Seconded by William Schulz. Virginia Bistodeau and William Schulz voted infavor of the motion, Lloyd Beaudry abstained. Motion passed. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: