12-10-1979 Public Hearing MinutesState of Minnesota A public hearing on the bituminous projects of Vas - County of Wright seurs Oak Grove Estates 1st and 2nd Additions, Town of Otsego Mississippi Shores 1st & 2nd Additions, and Great River Arces, was held this 10th day of December, 1980. Lloyd Beaudry, Chairman, Virginia Bistodeau, William Schulz, Super- visors, Ken Ashfelt of Meyer-Rohlin Engineering firm, Attorney Bill Radzwill, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk were present. Lloyd Beaudry, Chairman, called the meeting to order and introduced Attorney Bill Radzwill who explained bonding procedures. He said at the present time the Rederal Reserve allows a maximum interest rate of 7% on Municipal Bonds. Ken Ashfelt explained the different types of road construction that could be used. In Vasseurs Oak Grove Estates 1st & 2nd Additions there are 94 assessable lots. Using type one construction using a granular base, leaving the present road as is and hauling in material to build up the shoulders, and put down a 3 inch mat of 20 ft. wide at a total cost of $305,000.00 Using type two construction, cutting down the existing road base to use the material to build up the shoulders, and put down a 20 ft. mat, 3 inches thick at a total cost of $265,000.00. Type one would cost about $3,240.00 per lot and type 2 about $2,800.00 per lot. In Mississippi Shores 1st and 2nd Additions there are 78 assessable lots. Using type one construction the total cost would be $252.000.00 or about $3,200.00 per lots. Using type two construction, the cost would be $215.000.00 or about $2,800.00 per lot. In Great River Acres there are 61 lots. Using type one construction the total cost would be $259,000.00, or about$4,850.00 per lot. Type two construction would have a total cost of $258,000.00 or about $4,250.00 per lot. The service road would have a 16 ft. mat at a cost of $37,000.00. The question was asked what the difference was between a 5 ton or 7 ton design. Ken Ashfelt said basically the 5 ton has a 2 inch thick mat and the 7 ton has a 3 inch thick mat. The question was asked why the roads had to be widened to have a twenty foot wide mat and 2 ft. shoulders. Ken Ashfelt said the reason was so the road would stand up longer. The question was asked if the cost included an apron for each drive- way. The answer was yes, a 3 foot apron the width �f the driveway. The question was asked if maintenance costs would be taken care of by the township. The answer was yes at present, but the future was in- definite. The question was asked how wide the roads were at present in Vas- seurs 1st & 2nd additions. The answer was mostly 18 ft. The question what cheaper construction mithods could be used. Ken Ashfelt said an 18 ft. mat with no shoulders or a 16 tf. mat with 1 ft.;: shoulders could be used at a cost of about $1,600.00 per lot in Vasseurs and Mississippi Shores and $2,700.00 per lot in Great River Acres. On this type of construction, maintenance would be a problem. The Board expressed the opinion that they were very concerned about using this type of construction because of high maintenance costs and a road that was too narrow. A straw vote among Great River Acre residents indicated nobody was in favor of the project. Page 2. Gbntinuation of minutes of Dec. 10, 1979 Hearing. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to continue this hearing on Jan. 8, 1980. Seconded by Bill Schulz, passed unanimously. In the meantime, the Town Board would consider other alternatives to improve the roads. On motion, the hearing adjourned. Attest: