01-21-1980 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 21st day of January, 1980. Virginia Bistodeau, Town of Otsego William Schulz, Supervisors, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Lloyd Beaudry, Chairman arrived at 9:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Wil- liam Schulz, acting chaiTman. The minutes of the Jan 7, 1980 town board meeting were approved as read. Jay Truax appeared before the Board to discuss using lignite sulgonate on raod surfaces. It can be used as a dust control by spray- ing on gravel roads using 1/6 gal per sq. yd It also can be used as a base material mix and acts as a binder to hold gravel together. The material will last for one year as a dust control at a cost of .16 to .19 cents per sq. yd. with the township furnishing a grader and operator. It will do a good job of dust control on a road where traffic is under 300 cars per day. The cost for dust control is about $2,240.00 per mile. The material can be used as a stabilizer by peeling the road down 6 to 8 inches and then mixing the lignite sulfonate with the road mater- ial as it is bladed back in. For stabilizing to a depth of 8 inches the cost would be .80 to $1.00 per sq. yd. The Board will consider the facts presented and notify Mr. Truax of their decision in a month or so. The Board requested Betty Adkins to check into the possibility of obtaining a traffic counter to check road usage. Ken Ashfelt addressed the Board concerning 96th St. in Mississippi Shores and the streets in Vasseurs 1st and 2nd Additions. In Vasseurs using an 18 ft. mat and 1 ft. shoulders the cost of bituminous would be $227,000.00. Based on 94 lots, the cost per lot would be $2,400.00. On 96th St. from County #130 to the Mississippi Shores Park a 7 ton road with a 24 ft. top and 6 ft. shoulders on each side tarred for bicy- cle paths (based on dept. of transportation standards) the cost will be $152,000.00. The Great River Road Project will pay 70% of the cost and the township 30%. Motion by William Schulz that the Town Board approves the 96th St. Park Road project and is willing to pay the 30% share of the cost. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unanimously. Two applications were received for the vacancy on the Otsego Plan- ning Commission. Ray J. Schneider, a 1977 graduate of the U.of Wisconsin, College of Engineering, employed as a structural engineer for Conkey & Assoc. of MN. Ronald T. VanTassel, a graduate of St. Thomas in 1972 and Mankato State in 1978. Employed by Honeywell, Inc. The Board will request Mr. Van Tassel to appear for an interview at the Feb. 4, 1980 Town Board meeting. Mr. Grupa appeared before the Board and asked for clarification of whether the Wright Co. Planning Commission intends to approve his appli- cation to plat his land into 5 lots. Lloyd Beaudry advised him he will contact the Zoning Administrator and attempt to clarify the situation. The application of Arlene Turnquist to rezone 15 acres of land from Agriculture to Business was considered. The Town Board tabled action on the application until the Otsego Planning Commission has considered the application and the plans for the building to be constructed. On motion the meeting adjourned. Attest: