02-19-1980 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 19th day of February, 1980. Lloyd Beaiidry, Town of Otsego Chairman, Virginia Bistodeau, William Schulz, Supervisors, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, were present. The meeting was called to order by Virginia Bistodeau. The minutes of the Feb. 4, 1980, Town Board meet- ing were approved as read. Robert Middagh, City Administrator of the City of Elk River, ap- peared before the Board to discuss Fire Contract and contract standby dues. He feels the present contract standby fee is inadequate in com- parison to other areas they serve. The minimum charge for a fire call is $225.00, this would remain the same. He would like to have the standby contract fee based on 1 mil per dollar of assessed valuation for the area they serve. Based on their serving 49% of the total area of the township, and the total assessed valuation of the township being $9,427,555.00 their share of the assessed valuation would be $4,618,032. One mil of that figure would mean a standby contract fee of $4,619.00 per year. The Board advised him they will consider the request and notify him later of their decission. Ken Asfelt of Meyer-Rohlin appeared before the Board to discuss Vasseur's 1st and 2nd Addition blacktop project. For lots 16 & 17 in Block 1 on Packard Ave, he suggested that the blacktop should end at the lot line between 16 & 17 as 17 is not considered a buildable lot at present. He also asked the Board's opinion on discontinuing black - topping on Ogren Ave. at the end of the lot driveways and not continue to the development line. The Board agreed with his suggestions. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to exclude lot 17, Block 1, Vasseur Oak Grove Estates Addition on Packard Ave. from the blacktop project. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Ken Ashfelt also discussed cutting down the hill on 83rd St, he felt this could be done without adversely affecting any driveways. He aslo felt the approach of 83rd St. to Co. 37 should have a flat area so cars stop and check traffic before entering Co. #37. Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Turnquist and Robert Saxon appeared before the Board to discuss rezoning 3 acres West of Patternstation Conference Center from A-2 to B-2 General Business to construct overnight facilit- ie§.' _The building would have 20 units to accomodate 40 people. The original petition was to rezone 15 acres. The Otsego Planning Commis- sion recommended 3 acres be rezoned. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to approve rezoning the entire 15 acres. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Motion by Virginia Bistodeau that Betty Adkins send a letter to the Otsego Planning Commission explaining the Board's reasoning for approv- ing rezoning the entire 15 acres as being that it would be necessary to apply for a conditional use permit for any future expansion. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. George Johnson appeared before the Board to request rezoning 2 acres from A®2 to residential. He owns 87 acres but because of the way it is situated it does not qualify for the one house per 40 acres rule. Motion by William Schulz to approve rezoning the 21/2 acres. Seconded Page 2. Continuation of minutes of February 19,1980 meeting. by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Donald Greninger made an offer of $150.00 for the suspended furnace unit in the Town Hall. The Board postponed consideration of the offer until the next Board meeting. The Board appointed the following people to serve as election judges at the Annual Town Meeting: Lewis Pouliot Judy Roden Sharon Berning Olive Kolies Germaine Beaudry Della Anderson Marie Corbin Stella Lefebvre Arlene Lindenfelser LuAnn Lindenfelser Marion Alexander The Board discussed salaries for their employees. Motion by William Schulz to increase Edward Greninger's wages from $7.76 to $8.50 per hour effective March 1, with no change in fringe benefits. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unanimously. Motion by Virginia Bistodeau to raise Betty Adkins wages from $5.15 to $6.00 per hour and her mileage rate to $.18 per mile. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unanimously. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to raise the Clerk salary from $75.00 to $90.00 per month with additional meetings at $25.00 per meeting. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Consideration of deputy constable wages were tables at this time. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: