03-03-1980 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 3rd day fo March, 1980. Lloyd Beaudry, Chair Town of Otsego man, Virginia Bistodeau, William Schulz, Super- visors, Betty Adkins Assistant Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer, were present. Meeting was called to order by Chairman, Lloyd Beaudry. Minutes of the Feb. 1980 Town Board Meeting were approved as read. Kelmer James Greene appeared before the Board to apply for an On and Off sale license to sell non -intoxicating malt beverages at the Town Pump and a set-up license. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to approve the application, seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Pete Raatikka of Consulting Engineers, Diversified Inc. appeared before the Board to discuss the proposed blacktop project in Mississip- pi Shores 1st and 2nd Addition. Lloyd Beaudry asked if he builds ac- cording to Township recommendations or is he made the recommendations. He replied that basically he makes the recommendations. The Board advised him that they felt an 18 ft. mat is too narrow and the and the minimum that should be considered was a 20 ft. mat with 1 foot shoulders and of a 7 ton design. William Schulz replied that he felt a 22 ft. mat should be considered for Mississippi as all the streets in Mississippi Shores already blacktopped are 22 ft. mats. Mr. Raatikka said that he works on a fee based on a percentage of the blacktop project cost. He said they expect 75% of the fee after the bids are let and the balance after the project is completed. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to hire Pete Raatikka to do a feasibility study on Mississippi Shores 1st and 2nd Additions considering a 22 ft. mat with a minimum of 1 ft. shoulders and a 7 ton design. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. The fee for the feasibility study will be $600.00. If the project proceeds beyond the feasibility study a contract would then be signed with a fee schedule included. A report was received from Truax and Co., Inc., regarding an in- spection they had done on about 34.15 miles of township roads with an average width of 22 feet. Their inspection indicated about 8 miles (or 103,253 sq. yds.) would benefit from stabilization and 34 miles (or 337,510 sq. yds.) would benefit from dust abatement. The cost of dust abatement is .16 per sq yd. and for stabilization is .86 per sq. yd. Joyce Horvath appeared before the Board to complain about discharging fire arms in a residential area. Mrs. Horvath said the sheriff had been out and talked to the party doing the shooting. Betty Adkins said that according to the Wright Co. Ordinance it is illegal to discharge fire arms within 500 ft. of a residence. Lloyd Beaudry advised Mrs. Horvath they will contact Bill Radzwill, Township Attorney, to get his opinion on what action the Board could take if the problem occurs again. Proposed agreement with the City of Albertville regarding running a sewer hilding pond discharge line from the City of Albertville through the Town of Otsego was discussed. Action on the agreement was tabled for present. Motion by Virginia Bistodeau to contact City Administrator of Elk River and make a counter offer of 80% of 1 mil of the assessed valuation of the area they serve for the standby fee for the Fire Protection Contract. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Ed Greninger appeared before the Board to discuss his wages for next year. At the Feb. 19, 1980 Town Board Meeting, the Board had voted to raise his wages from $7.76 to $8.50 per hour effective March 1, 1980. He presented a proposal of $9.00 per hour with an increase in Medical rns. Page 2. Continuation of minutes of March 3, 1980 meeting. from $200.00 to $250.00 per quarter of a year. Motion by William Schulz to table action on Ed greninger's wages until next Board meeting. The Board will present the following amounts to the voters at the Annual Town Meeting for their approval as the amounts needed to meet the expenses of the Town of Otsego for the ensuing year: Fire Fund $14,000.00 Revenue 12,000.00 Road & Bridge 124,000.00 Prodeeding as a board of audit, the Town Board audited and allowed verified account Nos. 390 to 422 inclusive. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: