03-17-1980 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 17th day of March 1980. Lloyd Beaudry, Chair- Town of Otsego man, Virginia Bistodeau, William Schulz, Super- visors, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk were present. William Schulz took his oath of office as supervisor for the town of Otsego. Vernon Morrell took his oath of office as Deputy Constable for the town of Otsego. Lloyd Beaudry was re-elected __ Chairman__ of the Board for the en- suing year. Ray Carron appeared before the Board to request rezoning 7 acres from A-2 agricultural to R-2 Suburban Residential. The Otsego Plann- ing Commission had approved the request. Motion by Virginia Bistodeau to approve the rezoning request, seconded by Lloyd Beaudry. Virginia Bistodeau and Lloyd Beaudry voted in favor of the motion, William Schulz voted no. Motion passed by a vote of 2 to 1. Janet Evans appeared before the Board to request a conditional use permit for a home occupation to operate a beauty shop in her home. Motion by William Schulz to approve the application, seconded by virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Pete Raatikka of Consulting Engineers Diversified, Inc. appeared before the Board to discuss the feasibility study of Blacktopping the streets in Mississippi Shores 1st & 2nd Additions, that he had com- pleted at the Boards request. He He has proposed shaping all existing streets to a width of 24 ft. and then laying a bituminous mat 22 ft. wide and 2 inches thick with one foot shoulders on each side. A seven ton design would require 4 inches of gravel base which he feels al- ready exists in most areas and will require only a minimal amount of additional base gravel. He estimates the cost of the project to be $97,759.00 with a per lot cost of 1357.64. Because the Wright Co. Board has now agreed to finance the Missis- sippi Shores Park project, 96th St. will now be a Park entrance road and will have to be built according to Dept. of Transportation specifi- cations, Lloyd Beaudry suggested that Mr. Raatikka contact the Wright Co. Engineer and the Minnesota Dept. of Transportation and work to- gether with them on the 96th St. project. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry that Pete Raatikka contact the Wright Co. Engineer and Minnesota Dept. of Transportation and proceed on a co- ordinated effort on the 96th St. project. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Walter Niesen and son appeared before the Board to complain that the town snow plow did not plow the town road by their property all the way to the railroad tracks. The Board advised them they were not aware that the driver did not plow all the way to the end of the road and ad- vised them to contact the Town Hall office if it happened again. Mr. Niesen also asked the Board what their plans are for building up the road. The Board advised them that they will view the road in the spring and make their plans at that time. Page 2. Continuation of minutes of March 17, 1980 meeting. Stewart Turnquist appeared before the Board to discuss his plans for overnight facilities for use in connection with his conference center. He presented plans for building two modular units, each with 6 rooms, to accomodate 24 people. He will now be requesting a con- ditional use permit on agricultural land and not be requesting rezon- ing to business. William Schulz asked if the units would have basements. Mr. Turn- quist said they would not unless required by building codes. The Board advised him they have no objections but suggested he present his plans to the Otsego Planning Commission and then proceed to the Wright Co. Planning Commission. Betty Adkins will put him on the agenda for the April 10, meeting of the Otsego Planning Commission. Ken Ashfelt of Meyer-Rohlin appeared before the Board and presen- ted plans and specifications for blacktopping the streets in Vasseurs 1st and 2nd Additions and 85th St. z mile east from Co. #37. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to approve the plans and specifications for the project of Vasseur's 1st and 2nd Additions and 85th St. z mile East from Co. 37. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Motion by Virginia Bistodeau to advertise for bids on the project (subject to Bill Radzwill's approval) with the bids to be opened on April 21, 1980. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unanimously. The petition of Richard Grupa to rezone 11.4 acres of land from agricultural to R-2 residential was considered. The Board expressed some concern whether he would have enough frontage for five lots and also whether the County would grant that many accesses to Co. #39. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to end the ensuing township fiscal year on the last day of February, 1981. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: