04-07-1980 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 7th day of April, 1980. Virginia Bistodeau and Town of Otsego William Schulz, Supervisors, Betty Adkins , Asst. Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer were present. Lloyd Beaudry arrived later. Meeting was called to order by Virginia Bistodeau, acting acharman. Minutes of the March 17, town board meeting were approved as read. Mr. & Mrs. Don Weller appeared before the Board to discuss the drainage problem they had on their lot during the recent snow melt. Mr. Weller said that he had 5 ft. of water in his basement and had about $1,000.00 in damage to his basement. A letter from Meyer-Rohlin (who had checked the lot) was read. In their opinion the flooding was caused by a rapid snow melt when the ground was still frozen. They recommend- ed Landscaping the lot in conjunction with the proposed road work in the area. Virginia Bistodeau stated that she would like to view the lot before making any comments. Mr. Schulz, has viewed the problem and stated that the township would be willing to correct the road or culverts if the township is at fault in any way. Nadine Arvig and Caroline Kraft appeared before the Board to re- quest what improvements on their road would be necessary to have it taken over by the Township. They live on Kahler Av. in Sec. 14, Range 24, on the south side of Wright Co. 39. The Board advised them they will view the road to see what improvements are necessary to make the road acceptable to the Township. Mr. Macklin of Truax Co. addressed the Board concerning the Town- ship plans for either dust abatement or stabilization this year using lignite sulfinate. Motion by William Schulz to apply dust abatement to Nashua Ave. south from Wright Co. #39 for a distance of approximately 2 miles. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed. The abatement project is tentatively scheduled for May 22, 1980. The Board approved the following variance applications to the Wright County Board of Adjustment. Francis Kickler's application for a side yard setback from 30' to 15' to construct a garage. Jerry Struthers application for a Co. road setback variance from 130' to 110' to construct a dwelling. Cecil Adams application for a side yard setback of less than 30 ' to construct a garage. George Johnson's application for a variance from the one house per forty acres rule to construct a home. Betty Adkins explained to the Board that it will be necessary to apply to the Minnesota Dept. of Transportation for funding for a spur route to Mississippi Shores Park via 96th Street. The Great River Road funding is for Wright Co. 39 as the main route of the Great River Road in this area. Motion by William Schulz to adopt the following resolution: Be it resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Otsego requests Great River Road funding from the Department of Transportation for the spur route (96th Street) to the Mississippi Shores Park from the interesction of CSAH 42 to the edge of Mississippi Shores 4th Addition. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Page 2. Continuation of minutes of April 7, 1980 meeting. The Board reviewed the plat of Richard Grupa to subdivide his land into 3 additional lots fronting on Wright Co. 39. The Board will present the plan to the Otsego Planning Commission for their consid- eration. If the Otsego Planning Commission approves the plat, the Board will abide by their decision. Motion by William Schulz to pay Gordon DeMars a wage of $5.50 per hour, retro -active to March 1, 1980. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Motion by William Schulz to pay Ed Greninger a wage of $8.75 per hour for ensuing year beginning March 1, 1980, and his medical insur- ance at the rate of $250.00 per quarter. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, Bill and Lloyd voted Yes, Virginia Bistodeau voted no. Motion by Virginia Bistodeau to increase the Treasurer's bond to $20,000.00. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unanimously. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to pay election judges $3.50 per hour for all elections to be held during this fiscal year. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Motion by William Schulz to pay the Treasurer a salary of $50.00 per month for this fiscal year. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unan- imously. The Board discussed advertising for bids on rebuilding of 80th St. west from Co. 19 for a distance of one mile. Proceeding as a board of audit, the Town Board audited and allowed verified accounts Nos. 1 to 48 inclusive. Motion by Virginia Bistodeau to have Blaine Midway All Pets, Inc. to discontinue regular patrolling and provide service on call only. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Attest