05-21-1980 Public Hearing MinutesState of Minnesota A Public. Hearing was held this 21st day of May County of Wright at 8:00 p.m. on the proposed bituminous surfac- Town of Otsego ing of the streets in Mississippi Shores 1st and second Additions. Lloyd Beaudry, Chairman, Virginia Bistodeau, William Schulz, Supervisors, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Pete Raatikka, project engineer, Wil- liam Radzwill, attorney, were present. Hearing was called to order by Chairman Lloyd Beaudry. Pete Raatikka addressed themeeting concerning the project. He said all streets will have a 22 ft. top and a minimum of one foot shoulders. The estimated total cost of the project is $97,750.00 and the proposed cost per lot is $1,357.64. All driveways will have a one foot apron and beyond that will be the owners responsibility. The township will be paying the difference between 5 and 7 ton design. The question was asked what the difference was between a 5 ton and 7 ton design. Pete Raatikka said basically a 7 ton requires 4 inches of base and a 2 inch thick mat, the 5 ton a 11/2 inch mat. A straw vote indicated 21 in favor of the project and 4 against. Question was asked if bumps could be put in the streets to slow traffic, Bill Radzwill Said that it was illegal to do so. Motion by William Schulz to approve the bituminous project of Mis- sissippi Shores 1st and 2nd Additions, and to order Plans and Specifi- cations on the project from Consulting Engineers Diversified, Inc. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unanimously. Question was asked if Bonds were now saleable. Bill Radzwill said yes, that the Legislature had approved a municipal bond rate increase from 7% to 12%. Motion by Virginia Bistodeau to rescind the order for plans and specifications on Mississippi 1st and 2nd Additions Bituminous Project ordered from Meyer-Rohlin, Inc. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unan- imously. On motion, the hearing adjourned. Attest: