07-21-1980 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 21st day of July, 1980 at 8:00 p.m. Lloyd Town of Otsego Beaudry, Chairman, William Schulz, Virginia Bistodeau, Supervisors, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, William Radzwill, Attorney, and Pete Raatikka, Engineer, present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lloyd Beaudry. The bids received for the bituminous surfacing project of Mis- sissippi Shores lst and 2nd Additions were considered. The bids had been received at 10:00a.m. this day and were as follows: Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. $63,350.00 Valley Paving, Inc. 63,510.00 N.D.H., Inc. 64,600.00 Bituminous Consulting & Contracting Co. 66,869.00 Motion by William Schulz to accept the bid of Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Seconded by Lloyd Beardry, passed unanimously. Motion by Virginia Bistodeau to retain the bid and certified check of Valley Paving, Inc. (second lowest bidder at $63,510.00) until a contract is signed with Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Motion by Virginia Bistodeau authorizing the Chairman and Clerk to sign a contract with Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. to proceed with the blacktop project of Mississippi Shores 1st and 2nd Additions. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Motion by Virginia Bistodeau to set August 18, 1980, at ,8 :00 p.m. for the sale of bonds on the road projects of Vasseurs 1st and 2nd Addit- ions and Mississippi Shores 1st and 2nd Additions in the amount of $240,000.00. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Motion by William Schulz to approve a conditional use permit for Nellie Bobendrier to place a mobile home on her farm as an accessory use to the farm. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unanimously. Jeff Haas District Forester addressed the meeting concerning issu- ing burning permits. He will provide permit blanks for those whom the township appoints as fire wardens. No permits are required for recrea- tional fires such as barbecue and camp fires. Single household dwellings can burn household trash in an approved burner without a permit provid- ing it is not within 600 ft. of another dwelling. Permits are required to burn wood & brush etc. Permits are not to be issuee to burn old card, tires, and anything which creates offensive smoke Permits are not to be issued for large area grass fires. If someone does not get a permit and starts a large grass fire, the township can legally bill the person for the fire department call. Jeff Hall proceeded to appoint Virginia Bistodeau, Betty Adkins, Jerome Perrault, Lloyd and Judith Beaudry, William and Geraldine Schulz as Fire Wardens for Otsego Township. Harold Grotte appeared before the Board to discuss a fire call bill he had received for burning leaves. He said the Fire Dept. was called by someone accross the river. His fire(was well contained and not in need of a Fire Dept. call. Motion by William Schulz that due to the Page 2 Continuation of minutes of July 21, 1980 meeting. circumstances concerning the Fire Dept. call, the township should pay for the call. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unanimously. A suggestion was made that monthly bank statements be mailed to the Town Hall Office, copies be made for each Supervisor, and the original then forwarded th the Treasurer. On motion the meeting adjourned. Attest: