08-04-1980 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 4th day of August, 1980, at 8:00 p.m. Lloyd Town of Otsego Beaudry, Chairman, Virginia Bistodeau, William Schulz, Supervisors, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Lloyd Beaudry. The minutes of the July 21, 1980 Town Board meeting were approved as read. Arlene Holen and attorney John Peirce appeared before thb Board to discuss re -platting Hylo Acres, Block 2, from the present 5 acre lots ihto 21/2 acre lots. Mrs. Holen asked the Board if re -'platting would affect the road whether it would have to be tarred. The Board advised her that as it was already a township road on one side and Co. 39 on the other, no raod changes would be necessary. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to approve the subdivision of Hylo Acres Block 2, from 5 acre to 21/2 acre lots. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau. The Board requested Mrs. Holen to present her plans to the Otsego Plan- ning Commission for their consideration. Mr. Macklin, of the Truax Co. Inc., appeared before the Board to discuss an error in billing for the dust control treatment with Lignin sulfinate. His company had billed the township for Nashua Av. but not for the streets treated in Great River Acres. An additional amount of $2500.00 is still due. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to approve paying the $2500.00 amount still due, seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unan- imously. Pete Merges appeared before the Board to request a permit to sell beer at a tractor pull he is planning on the Duane Martin farm on Aug. 23, 1980. The Board advised him to contact the Co. Auditor regarding the beer permit. The Board advised Betty Adkins to contact Elmer Beaudry regarding whether the township would be liable in any way for possible accidents occuring during the event. If there are no problems regarding liability the Board will approve the event at the Aug. 18, 1980 Town Board meeting. Nadine Aarvig and Dale Elletson appeared before the Board to pre- sent a petition requesting the Town Board to upgrade the road (Kahler Ave.) in Praught's Addition in Sec. 14, Range 24, Township 121, to bring it up to township standards so that the township would take it over. The expense of the improvements would be paid for by the abutting land owners. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to approve and accept the petition and pro- ceed with plans to hold a public hearing on the project. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Lloyd Beaudry proposed the following resolution and moved for it's adoption: Be it resolved that the Town Board desires to have all elected and appointed township officials and employees covered by the township workrnens compensation insurance policy. Motion for the adoption of the resolution was seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, all members voted in favor of the resolution. Page 2. Continuation of minutes of August 4, 1980 meeting. A request was received from the Clavary Baptist Church requesting permission to use the Town Hall for church meetings and services. Board advised Betty Adkins to contact Bill Radzwill, Attorney, regard- ing whether it was permissable to grant such permission and tabled action on the request pending Radzwill's opinion. William Schulz reported he had attended a meeting of the Wright Co. Park Board. Four engineering firms were present at the meeting and presented their plans for emproving the Park in Otsego Township. The Co. Board will review their presentations and eventually hire one of the firms. Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer, gave the following report: Deposits for July: Revenue Sharing $7119.00 Fire Fund 2230.95 General Fund 61,494.12 Bond Fund 13,416.76 Balances as of July 31, 1980 General Fund Revenue Sharing Bond Fund Fire Fund in Red $71,971.07 21,580.70 9,235.59 1,302.56 Prodeeding as a Board of Audit, the Town Board audited and allowed verified accounts Nos. to enclusive. On motion the meeting adjourned. Attest: