08-18-1980 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met County of Wright this 18th day of August 1980 at 8:00 p.m. Town of Otsego Lloyd Beaudry, Chairman, Virginia Bistodeau, and William Schulz, Supervisors, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, William Radzwill, Attorney, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lloyd Beaudry. Bids were received for the sale of $240,000. General Obli- gation Improvement Bonds of 1980, from Jirst National Bank of Minneapolis and the First National Bank of St. Paul. First National Bank of St. Paul presented a bid as follows: On $240,000 the net interest of 7.7645% and a total interest cost of $114,915.00, the bonds would be in denominations of $5,000.00 as follows on March 1, of the years indicated: 7.3% interest per annum for the years 1982 - 87 7.5% interest per annum for the year 1988 7.6% interest per annum for the year 1989 7.7% interest per annum for the year 1990 7.8% interest per annum for the year 1991 The first interest payment would be due March 1, 1981. Motion by William Schulz to accept the bid of First National Bank of St.Paul, seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, all voting in favor William Radzwill advised the Town Board that it would not be advisable to permit the Calvary Baptist Church to use the Town Hall for serviRes on a regular basis. Richard Brunel' appeared before the Board to request a conditional use permit for a home occupation business of taxidermy. Motion by William Schulz to approve the conditional use permit seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Anthony Berning appeared before the Board to ask whether the Board had heard anything regarding the proposed sewer discharge line by the City of Albertville through the Town of Otsego to the Mississippi River. The Board advised him they had heard nothing from the City of Albertville since April. Lloyd Beaudry advised him he will call the City of Albertville and ask what progress has been made and what their plans are concerning the discharge line thru Otsego. Ken Ashfelt appeared before the Board to discuss the progress of the Blacktop project in Vasseur's 1st & 2nd Additions. He said that a hill on 83rd Street had been cut down changing the driveways on some lots. Dwight McKenzie's driveway was lowered from what it formerly was. His driveway was formerly quite steep from the road down to his house but now was fairly level but did have a slight rise in it about half way from the road to his house. He wanted the Township to cut down the raise and blacktop it at Township ex- pense. Ken Ashfelt said he thought the driveway was already im- proved over what it formerly was and the township should not be fur- ther obligated. The Board felt they should not be further obligated but advised Ken Ashfelt they would view the driveway in question and discuss it with the owner. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: