09-02-1980 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 2nd day of September, 1980 at 8:00 p.m. Lloyd Town of Otsego Beaudry, Chairman, Virginia Bistodeau and William Schulz, Supervisors, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Betty Betty Adkins9 Asst. Clerk, Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lloyd Beaudry. Minutes of the Aug. 18, 1980 Town Meeting were approved as read. Dwight McKenzie appeared before the Board to discuss his driveway off of 83rd St. in Vasseur's 1st and 2nd Additions. The hill on 83rd St. was cut down and his driveway was lowered and there is a hump in his driveway about halfway between the road and his home. Motion by William Schulz to remove the hump in his driveway and repair the driveway to Mr. McKenzie's satisfaction. Seconded by Vir- ginia Bistodeau, al voted in favor. Rand Patton appeared before the Board to discuss seeding the road banks by his home and sodding the incline. The Board advised him the seeding and sodding will be done soon. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to pay Rand Patton 50 cents per cu. yd. for the fill dirt they removed from his property. Seconded by William Schulz passed unanimously. John Thoma appeared before the Board to request thatstop signs be placed in Mississippi Shores 1st and 2nd Additions when the blacktop pro- ject is completed. He felt stop signs should be placed on 96th St, at Parkington Ave. and at 95th St, to prevent 96th St. from becoming a thru street. The Board advised him they will view the area when the project is completed and make their recommendations. Ray Carron appeared before the Board to discuss an 8 acre site he owns at the junction of highway 101 and County #122. He wishes to sell it to a person who wants it zoned commercial. The Board advised him they have no objections and requested he present his plans to the Otsego Planning Commission for their consideration and also make application to the Wright County Planning and Zoning Administrator for rezoning the 8 acre site from agricultural to commercial. The Town Board discussed the problem of David Reemts who has stare ed building an addition to his garage without a permit. The Board took the position that he. should not continue to build without a permit and it he does, the Co. Attorney should be advised the take action against him. Treasurer Lewis Poulion gave the following report for the month of August. Receipts for August: General Fund $783.00 Balances as of August 31, 1980: General Fund $46,903.69 Bond Fund 9,235.59 Revenue Sharing Fund 21,580.70 Fire Fund in read 3,816.90 Prodeecing as a board of audit, the Town Board audited and allowed verified accounts Nos. 191 to 223 inclusive. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: