09-15-1980 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 15th County of Wright day of September, 1980 at 8:00 p.m. Lloyd Beau - Town of Otsego dry, Chairman, Virginia Bistodeau and William Schula, Supervisors, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, William Radzwill Attorney, were present. Meeting was called to order by Lloyd Beaudry, Chairman. The min- utes of the Sept. 2, 1980 Town Board meeting were approved as read. A public hearing was held on the proposed improvement of Kahler Ave. in Section 14, Range 24, from Co. 39 South a distance of about 1600 ft. to upgrade and gravel. Motion by Virginia Bistodeau ordering the improvement on Kahler Ave. (upgrading) to be done on a per hour plus materials basis not to exceed $4,000.00. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. The Board proposed an assessment period of 6 years with an interest rate of 8%. Estimated cost of the project is $550.00 per lot on 9 lots. Bids on the new truck were received from Lakeland Ford, Superior Ford, and Hoglund Bus Co. Lakeland submitted a bid of $25,119.00 for a L-)900 Model truck with a Garwood Dump Body. For a Galion dump body de- duct $165.00 . Superior Ford Co. submitted a net bid of $25,383.00. For the L-900 Model truck - $26,048.00. Equiped with a La Hass dump body deduct $150.00, equiped with a Garwood dump body add $250.00. Hoglund Bus Co., Inc. submitted a bid for an International equipped with an Anthony box of $25,446.00. For a Heil Box and double acting hoist add $897.00, for a Garwood Box and double acting hoist add $597.00, for a Garwood Box and double acting hoist ac,cording to Minn. Highway Dept. specs add $225.00. The Board requested more time to consider the bids. The Town Board approved the application of Michael Ochocki for a conditional use permit for a home occupation business of manufacturing saw tboth cutters. The Town Board did not approve the application of G. M. Darkenwald for a permit for a mobile home as an accessory to his farm for lack of information on how it will be used. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to continue this meeting on Monday, Sept. 22, at 800 p.m. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. The meeting re -convened this 22nd day Sept. at 8:00 p.m. Lloyd Beaudry, Chairman, William Schulz and Virginia Bistodeau, Supervisors, Jerome Perrault, Clerk were present. Motion by William Schulz to accept the bid of Lakeland Ford for the new truck. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed unanimously. Virginia Bistodeau asked about the warranty on the truck. The Lake- land representative said the engine is warranted for 100,000 miles or 2 years which ever comes first, and the transmission and rear end up to 60,000 miles on a prorate basis. The representative advised the Board to have an air drier installed on the brake system to prevent brake freeze-up. Final purchase price for the truck will be $25,634.00 including the air drier on the brake system and double acting hoist. Earth Care, a recycling organization in Wright Co. has advised Betty Adkins they would like to meet with the Board regarding establishing a depot for collecting re-cyclable material in Otsego. The Board advised Betty Adkins that they would be willing to listen to their proposal. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: