02-17-1981 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 17th County of Wright day of February, 1981, at 8:00 p.m. Virginia Town of Otsego Bistodeau and william Schulz, Supervisors, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Betty Adkins, Asst. Clerk, were Present. The meeting was called to order by acting chairman Virginia Bistodeau. Minutes of the Feb 2, 1981 Town Board meeting were approved as read. Mr. and Mrs. Cable appeared before the Board to further discuss their request for a permit to place a mobile home on their property (26 acres) for their elderly parents. The Board advised them they cannot approve the permit because it is a violation of the County Ordinance while they are sympathetic with. thier request. the Cables realize their position and requested the Board to write a letter to the County Board advising them of how they feel about the situation. Motion by William Schulz that the Town Board is sympathetic with the request, of Mr. & Mrs. Keith Cable to place a mobile home on th6d,r pmopertyfor their elderly parents and recommend that the County Board consider an amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance. The motion was not seconded. Motion by William Schulz that the Town Board write a letter to the County Board advising them of their feelings in this case and similar situations and forward a copy of the letthr to the Cables. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed. A copy of the letter will be attached to the minutes of this meeting. Edmund Martin appeared before the Board to discuss his building an addition to his garage without a permit. His property is considered to be in a flood plain area. The Board advised him that a building permit is required and he should proceed to apply for one. The Ordi- nance states that he needs a permit and he tm st abide by it. Motion by William Schulz to pay Lakeland Ford for the new truck which has been delivered. Seconded by Virginia Bistodeau, passed. Motion by Virginia Bistodeau to pay the City of Elk River the standby contract fee for the 1980 Fire Contract in the amount of $6915.85. Seconded by William Schulz, passed. The new wage contract for the coming fiscal year for Betty Adkins was discussed. She has requested a 10% pay increase, 2 weeks paid vaca- tion and 7 paid holidays. Consideration of the new contract was tabled until the next Board meeting. Gordon DeMars' contract for the coming fiscal year was also discussed. The Board will consider a 10% increase in wages. Action on the contract was tabled until the next Board Meeting. Ed Greninger also appeared before the board to discuss his wage contract for the coming fiscal year. He requested a 12% increase in pay and 5 paid holidays. The Board at this time suggested a 10% increase in pay, 5 paid holidays and an increase in mileage from .18 to .20 cents per mile. Further consideration will be given at the next Town Board Meeting. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: