05-04-1981 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board cf the Town of Otsego met this 4th County of Wright day of May at 8:00 p.m. William Schu17, Chair - Town of Otsego man, Lloyd Beaudry and Douglas Lindenfelser, Super- visors, Lewis Pouliot Treasurer, Betty Adkins, Assistant Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk were present. Meeting was called to order by Chairman William Schu17. Minutes of the April 20, 1981, Town Board Meeting were approved as read. Engineer Pete Raatikka appeared before the Board to discuss the pro- posed blacktop project of 80th St. from Co. 19 West to Kadler Av., then North on Kadler Av. to 85th St. and then West on 85th St. to the Monti- cello - Otsego Township line, a total distance of 2 miles. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to order a feasibility study ou the project, seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unanimously. Mr. Raatikka will try to have the study completed by the May 18, 1981 town board meeting. Fabian Sadowski appeared before the Board to request improvements on the road by his farm, Page Av. from Co. 39 South to 85th St. and then West on 85th St. to where the Blacktop starts. He stated that the road is badly in need of gravel and he would like to see it balcktopped. Motion by William Schulz to have Pete Raatikka make a preliminary study of Page Av. from Co. 39 South to 85th St. and then West on 85th St. to where the blacktop starts to determine the approximate cost of up- grading and blacktopping. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unanimously. Harry Niesen appeared before the Board to request improvements on the township road by his property the Monticello - Otsego town line road from Co. 37 to 1-94 (Jabber Av.). The Board advised him improvements to the road are on the,; agenda for this summer. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to have Ed Greninger replace the defective culvert on Jabber Av. as soon as possible. Seconded by Douglas Linden- felser, passed unanimously. Andrew Merges appeared before the Board to discuss the balance due for assessing in the 1980-1981 assessment year. His salary was agreed upon as $5000.00 plus $25.00 each for each new home added. The $5000.00 has been paid and he presented a bill for 47 new homes added @ $25.00 each for a total of $1175.00. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to approve payment of the bill as presented by Adnrew Merges. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. The Town Board approved the following variance applications: Alvin Vetsch for a variance from the one per forty break to estab- lish a 21/2 acre lot seperate from the 117 acre farm. Gerald Holland to allow a garage and storage building to be built less than 30 ft. from side property line in the NE k of NW- of the NA of Sec. 30, Township 121, Range 23. Ronald Webber to allow a building to be constructed less than 30 ft. (15) from the side property line in Lot 10, Block 4 of Walesch Estates, 2nd AdditAon. Richard J. Pearson to allow a garage to be constructed less than 50 ft. rear yard and less than 30 ft. side yard etback on Lot 19, Block 1, Mississippi Shores 3rd Addition. Page 2. Continuation of May 4, 1981 Meeting. Betty Adkins reported having talked to Gary Meyer regarding the petition of Larry, Steve, Lawrence and Lucille Kolles to have the Township construct a road into their landlocked seven acre parcel in the West X5 of the NW k of Sec. 34, Range 24 lying North of the 1-94. Mr. Meyer asked if the Board had contacted Arlyn Bajari and Kenneth Zachman across whose land the road would pass. The Board has not contacted them. The Board requested Betty Adkins to contact the Kolles family and request that a member of the Kolles family come to the next Board meeting to discuss the situation regarding the road. Motion by William Schul7 to prepare to advertise for the sale of the 1964 model Ford Truck and the snow plow equipment to be sold with it. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Ed Greninger discussed with the Board the purchase of a new snow plow for the new Ford truck. He felt they should advertise soon so that the purchase and delivery child be completed by fall. Proceeding as a board of audit, the Town Board audited and allowed verified accounts Nos. 86 to 114 inclusive. On motion the meeting adjourned. Attest: