05-18-1981 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego Clerk, were present. Schulz. Minutes of the May 4, 1981, Town Board meeting were approved as read. Lee Hohlen, who owns Lot 2 Block 4, Mississippi Shores 2nd Addition, appeared before the Board to request a variance to construct a garage less than 30 ft. from the side yard. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to ap- prove the variance providing neighbors are agreeable. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Engineer Pete Raatikka appeared before the Board to present his feasibility study on the proposed blacktopping project of 80th Street one mile West from Co. 19, then North on Kadler Av. 15 mile to 85th Street, then West on 85th St. one mile to the Monticello -Otsego Town line. The project is feasible and will benefit the area served. He recommended a 22 ft. wide bituminous top, 2 inches thick, with 2 ft. gravel shoulders on each side and a 6 inch gravel base. All driveways would have 1 ft. aprons. He presented the following estimated construction costs: The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 18th day of May, 1981 at 8:00 p.m. William Schulz, Chair- man, Lloyd Beaudry, Douglas Lindenfelser, Supervis- ors, Betty Adkins, Assistant Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Meeting was called to order by Chairman William 80th Street - one mile Bituminous surfacing Class 5 gravel Shaping Engineering etc. $32,900.00 14,800.00 4,000.00 10,000.00 -76-7-110407M- Kadler Ave. - 1/2 mile Bituminous surfacing : $16,600.00 Class 5 Gravel 7,400.00 Shaping 2,000.00 Engineering & Administr. 5,200.00 711-721o.0u-- 85th Street - one mile - Bituminous Surfacing : $32,900,00 Class 5 gravel 14,800.00 Shaping & Grading 5,200.00 Engineering & Administr,10,600.00 $63,500.00 Overall Total of the project is $156,700.00. If Bonds are to be sold to finance the project, it will be necessary under state law to assess a minimum of 20% of the cost of the project to benefitting property owners. There are 22 units affected and at 20%, the assessment per unit would be $1,424.55. Action on the project was tabled at this time. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to approve the application of K.O.A. Camp- ground for an "Off Sale" license to sell non -intoxicating malt liquors. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Page 2. Continuation of the May 18, 1981 minutes. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to approve the applications nf_ "Barbie's Cosy Corner" to renew their "On And Off" sale license to sell non -in - toxicating malt liquors and a set-up license. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to pay a flat rate of $20.00 per time for cutting the lawn around the Town Hall and garage area. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to proceed with hearings to collect past due grass fire bills. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unanimously. Motion by William Schulz to adopt the following resolution: Be it resolved by the Town Board of the Town of Otsego, that the Wright Co. Board of Commissioners proceed with devel6pment of the Otsego Park located within the Mississippi Shores Addition as part of the Great River Road project utilizing the State and Federal Funds available. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Larry, Steve and Lawrence Kolies, with their Attorney Gary Meyer, appeared: to discuss building a road into their landlacked 7 acre tract of land in the W4 of the NE4 of Sec /4, Township 121, Range 2.4 lying North of Interstate 94. The road would have to be placed on the line between the property of Kenneth Zachman and Arlyn jari. The Kolles's had applied for a permit to place billboards on the land but were turned down. In view of the high cost of building the road and obtaining right- of-way, the Board felt they should apply again for a billboard permit. The Board requested Betty Adkins to contact Kenneth Zachman and Arlyn Bajari and ask that they appear at the next Board meeting to discuss the proposed road. Donald Berning, Donatus Vetsch and Ken Wacker appeared before the Board to discuss the Fire Protection Contract between the City of Albert- ville and the Town of Otsego renewable on July 1, 1981. They requested a Standby Contract Fee based on 1 mile per dollar of Assessed Valuation for the area of Otsego that they serve (valuation of the area is $1, 908,540.) and also an increase in charges for fire calls from the present $100.00 per run and $100.00 per hour to $225.00 per run and the first 1/2hour and $75.00 for each additional half hour. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to approve the proposed standby Contract Fee and proposed rate changes with the City of Albertville. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. A new contract will be drawn up reflecting the changes. The City of Albertville representatives also indicated an interest in enlargeing the area they serve to include Sec. 22, Range 24 now served by Monticello and Sec. 33, Range 23, now served by Elk River. The Board felt these changes would also have to be discussed with the City of Monti- cello and the City of Elk River. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: