06-01-1981 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 1st County of Wright day of June at 8:00 p.m. William Schulz, Chairman Town Of Otsego Lloyd Beaudry, Douglas Lindenfelser, Supervisors, Betty Adkins, Assistanc Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer, were present. The meeting was called toorder by Chairman William Schulz. Min- utes of the May 18, 1981 Town Board meeting were approved as read. Bruce Olson appeared before the Board at thb Board's request to discuss his planting of shrubbery, etc., 12 ft from the edge of the blacktop road. The Board advised him that the Township road right-of- way is 66 ft. and that persons should refrain from planting anything or constructing any fences within 33 ft. of the center of the road. He replied he was not aware of the regulation and that if anything he planted interfered with road maintenance, it could be removed. The Board expressed concern that others might see where he had planted and do the same thing. Ivan Sand appeared before the Board to discuss a bill he received for a Fire Dept. call he does not feel he should be responsible for. He was burning a pile of brush which he had under -ontrol and some one else called the Elk River Fire Dept. He said they just drive out and took a look and then went back to town. The charge was $128.00 whereas the usual minimum charge for a run is $225.00. The Board explained to him what the township jas tp pay just for contract fees each year for fire protection from the City of Elk River, City of Albertville and City of Monticello. The Board felt he should bill his Insurance Co. for the fire call. He agreed to do so. Pete Raatikka appeared before the Board to discuss proposed blacktop projects. In view of the proposed high assessment ($1424.55) per ben- efitting unit, for the project consisting of 80th St. West one mile from Co. 19 then North on Kadler Av. z mile to 85th and then West on 85th St. one mile to the Monticello - Otsego Town line, the Board decoded to post- pone the project for another year. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser topostpone the project at this time attemtp to raise more township funds and re -consider the project next year. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimoudly. The Board received a petition containing 42 signatures from residents of Otsego Acres Development requesting the streets in Otsego Acres be blacktopped. Because by blacktopping the streets in Otsego Acres a short stretch of O'Brian Av. between 85th St. and Otsego Acres where it crosses Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates would be left as a gravel road, the Board felt they whould consider blacktopping the streets in Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates at the same time. This would consist of 87th Street and that part of O'Brian Av. between Otsego Acres and 85th St. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to have Pete Raatikka do a feasiblilty study on blbcktopping the streets in Otsego Acres and also in Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates (which would consist of 87th St. and that portion of O'Brian Av. Between Otsego Acres and 85th St.). Seconded by William Schulz and passed unani mously. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry authorizing Betty Adkins to sign all build- ing permits received between Town Board Meetings that would cause un- Page 2. Continuation of the minutes of June 1, 1981. neccessary delays in constru;tion by wainting for the next Board Meeting. and also for which there are no problems concerned with their approval. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Lewis Pouliot gave the following trearsrer's report for the peoiod inding May 31: Receipts for May - Road and Bridge - Fire Fund Bond Disbursements for May - General - Bond Fire Balance on Hand Fire - none $759.50 225.00 2313.82 5582.71 1262.50 803.00 Revenue Sharing $14,197.70 General 20,765.43 Bond 1,484.81 Concerning the $1000.00 retainage due Buffalo Bituminous for the Mississippi Shores =1cktop project, the Board chose to delay payment for one more month to further check the seeding of road banks to see if they are progressing satisfactorily. Proceeding as a board of audit, the Town Board audited and allowed verified accounts Mos. 115 to 142 inclusive. On motion the meeting adjourned. Attest: