07-06-1981 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 6th County of Wright day of July, 1981, at 8:00 p.m. William Schulz, Town of Otsego Chairman, Lloyd Beaudry, Douglas Lindenfelser, Supervisors, Betty Adkins, Assistant Clerk, Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer, Jerome Perrault Clerk, Peter Raatikka, Engineer, Bill Radzwill, Attorney, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman William Schulz. The minutes of the June 15, 1981 Town Board Meeting were approved as read. The first item on the adenda was a public hearing on the bitumi- nous paving project of the streets in Otsego Acres 1st and 2nd Addit- ions and Vasseurs Oak Grove Estates. Pete Raatikka, Engineer, addres- sed the meeting concerning the project. He explained the existing streets would be shaped to a minimum street width of 24 ft. the streets would be paved with a 22 top, 2 inches thick, with one foot grass shoulders on each side. A four inch gravel base would be placed under the bituminous paving. All driveways would have one foot aprons, other than that any other driveway construction would be the responsibility of the home owner. Some some owners on the south side of 87th St. in Vasseurs expressed concern about a possible drainage problem in the area. Moth of the driveways along the south side of 87th St. have 24 inch culverts at present time. The estimated cost of the project is as follows: Bituminous surfacing - 3000 ton $69,000.00 Class 5 gravel 15,000.00 Shapping 9,000.00 Culvert cleaning and installation 3,000.00 Restoration 6,000.00 Total Construction Cost 102,000.00 Engineering, Administrative, Easements $30,600.00 Total Cost: $132,600.00 There are a total of 80 benefiting units and the estimated cost per unit would be $1657.50. A straw vot on the project was taken: 19 voted in favor and 8 were opposed. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to establish and order the project of Bituminous paving of the streets in Otsego Acres 1st and 2nd Additions and Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates and to order plans and specifications be prepared for the project. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed uninamously. Attorney Bill Radzwill then addressed the meeting concerning the present Bond market. He said at the present time Municipal Bonds are not selling well, with interest rates high,probably over 10%. He hoped the market would improve by the time Bonds would be offered for sale on this project. The second item on the agenda was a public hearing on the proposed bituminous paving project of 80th Street from Co. 19 West one mile to Kadler Av. then North on Kadier Av. mile to 85th St. and then West on 85th St. one mile to the Monticello - Otsego Town line. Page 2. Continuation of the July 6, 1981 meeting. Engineer Pete Rantikka addressed the meeting concerning the pro- ject. He said the existing streets would be shaped to a minimum street width of 26 ft., to accomodate a 22 ft. wide bituminous mat, 2 inches thick, with 2 foot gravel shoulders on each side, and a six inch gravel base (considered a 7 ton road). All driveways would have one foot aprons, all other driveway con- struction would be the responsibility of the home owner. The total estimated cost of the project is $156,700.00 Because the affected streets are considered a thoroughfare, being used extensively by people other than those living on the road, the Town Board proposed a $600.00 assessment per benefiting unit with the balance being paid by the township. Some residents questioned why this was increased over the $500.00 assessment used on 80th St. East from Co. 19 and Mason Av. William Schulz, Chairman, explained this was due to increased construc- tion costs since 1978. Pete Raatikka said that some municipalities use a construction cost index to determine assessments, first estab- lishing a base price, then increasing or decreasing the assessment by the same percentage as construction costs go up or down as compared to the base year. A straw vole was taken on the project: 8 voted infavor, 3 were opposed. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to establish the project of Bituminous paving of 80th St. West from Co. 19 a distance of 1 mile, then North on Kadler Av. 1/2 mile to 85th St., then West on 85th St. one mile to the Monticello - Otsego Town line, and to order plans and specifications on the project. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Motion by William Schulz to purchase from Garwood Twin Cities a one-way snow plow at $6870.00 and a V -plow at $2740.00. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to approve a new Fire Protection Contract with the City of Albertville calling for a standby contract fee per year of one mile per dollar of assessed valuation for the area they serve and a service charge of $225.00 per run and the first one-half hour and $75.00 for each additional half-hour. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. As the contract calls for the City of Albertville to serve the N% of Sec. 29, Range 23 and Sec. 33, Range 23, formely served by Elk River and Sec 22, Range 24 formerly served by Monticello, the approval of the contract is tentative based on the City of Elk River and City of Monti- cello agreeing to the change in area served. Proceeding as a board of audit, the town Board audited and allowed verified accounts Nos. 143 to 184 inclusive. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: