07-20-1981 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 20th County of Wright day of July, 1981. William Schulz, Chairman, Lloyd Town of Otsego Beaudry, Douglas Lindenfelser, Superviosrs, Betty Adkins Assistant Clerk, were present. Constable Morrell was absent. The meeting was called to order by William Schulz, reading of the minutes of the July 6, 1981 meeting were waived as Clerk, Jerome Peerault was absent due to illness. Ruben Bonk appeared before the town board to explain the new tax laws of 1981. He explained the formula for assessing farm land in the state of Minnesota. The formula is very much like the formula already being used by the Wright County Assessors. The Town Board and the town assessor must select approximately six parcels of farm land within the township which would be representative of the township as a whole, and evaluate them using the formula as per state statute 273.11. This should be comlbleted by the August 17th meeting. Dan Reemts appeared before the board to discuss a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a mobile home as an accessary to the farm. The Board fouhd it difficult to grant the permit since Mr. Reemts stated he would not be farming full time and that it would probably be there until his mother decided to sell the farm. William Schulz made the motion that since the applicant's request is not in compliance with county ordinance in that h0 will not he farming full time, the township cannot go along with the request fut that if the Wright County Planning Commission can make some adjustments the Town Board would go along with them. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser - passed unanimously. Myron Olson presented his proposal to rezone approximately 14 acres in Section 16, Township 121, Range 23 from A-2 General Agriculture to R-2 Suburban Residential. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to allow the rezone and proceed as per survey but allowing only two driveways for the proposed new lots. Lloyd Beaudry seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Mr. & Mrs Russell Voght presented a petition to the Town Board re- questing a feasibility study be done on Nelmark and 91st Streets in Great River Acres. Lloyd Beaudry made a motion ordering a feasibility study of Great River Acres and a hearing date set at 8:00 p.m. August 3, 1981. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. The Town Board discussed the possibility of having a completion date required on all building permits. The Board requested Betty Adkins to ask the Planning & Zoning Office to consider this request. Mr. & Mrs. Lent and Mrs. Kusch of Walesch Estates appeared 'before the board to request Dead End and Watch For Children signs for the 82nd Street Circle cul-de-sac. The Town Board ordered the signs be put up. Discussion continued regarding a number of junk cars in Walesch Estates. Betty Adkins stated she would send letters to those who are violating the County Ordinance in this matter. A request was made by residents of 92nd Street to create a turn- around on that street which is presently a township road but has a dead end now. The school bus won't go in on the road until a turn -around is provided. William Schulz made a motion to create a turn -around after Page 2. Continuation of minutes of July 20, 1981. getting a letter from the abutting property owner, Mr. Milton Shellquist, allowing the construction. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unanimously. The Board asked about the progress of the proposed gun ordinance for Otsego Township. Betty Adkins reported that the township attorney is working on developing such an ordinance. Discussion of the Kenney Davis property followed regarding a red tag issued for construction of an addition onto a varn without applying for a permit. In addition, Chuck Davis, county sanitarian, and a represen- tative from the Pollution Control Agency visited the Barsody property last week regarding complaints that Kenny Davis has been dumping wagon loads of rubbish into the creek bed behind the Barsody house. As of July 1, 1981 the variance granted the Davis's to allow a mobile home on their property dad expired/. The County Planning and Zoning office is preparing to take legal action regarding these actions. Lloyd Beaudry make a motion to support the County in their action to obtain a building permit, resolve the mobile home question and comply with the PCA action. Motion was seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. On motion by Lloyd Beaudry the meeting adjourned. Attest: