08-03-1981 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 3rd County of Wright day of August, 1981 at 8:00 p.m. William Schulz Town of Otsego Chairman, Lloyd Beaudry, Douglas Lindenfelser, Supervisors, Betty Adkins, Assistant Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer, Pete Raatikka, Engineer, Bill Radzwill, Attorney, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman William Schulz. The minutes of the July 20, 1981 town board meeting were approved as read. The first item on the agenda was a Public Hearing on the proposed Bituminous Street paving project of the streets in Great River Acres, namely Ochoa Street, Ochoa Circle, 91st St., and Nelmark Av. and the service road adjacent to Co. 39. Engineer Pete Raatikka addressed the meeting concerning the pro- ject. He stated that he had completed a feasibility study of the project, that the estimated cost of the street improvement is $128,900., the pro- ject is feasibile and will benefit the area served. He recommended that the streets be shaped to a minimum width of 24 ft. to accomadate a 22 ft. wide bituminous mat with grass shoulders of a min- imum of lft. wide except the service road which would have a 20 ft. aide mat. At present 91st St. and Nelmark Av. are from 20 to 21 ft. wide, Ochoa Av. is 20 ft. wide and the service road varies from 12 to 15 ft. wide. He recommended a four inch gravel base with a 2 inch thick bitumin- ous mat for a 7 ton road design. The following estimated costs of the project were: Bituminous Surfacing - 2975 Tons $68,425.00 ,Class 5 Gravel 3300 tons 16,500.00 Grading & Shaping 10,200.00 Restoration 8,000.00 Estimated Construction Cost $103,125.00 Engineering & Administrative. Estimated project cost 25,775.00 $128,900.00 There are a total of 60 units served and the estimated cost per unit would be $2,148.33. Bonds would have to be sold prior to complete- ing the project. At present the Bond Market is not good and are selling at a present rate of 11 to 12% As the projecy calls for widening of the streets, some of the res- idents felt they should be left as is and use a 20 ft. mat instead of a 22 ft. as proposed to reduce the cost. A straw vote was taken to see if the residents favored a 20 or 22 ft. wide mat. A majority favored the narrower road. A straw voto was taken to see if the residents were in favor of the project. 9 voted in favor - 16 voted against the project. Another straw vote was taken to see if the residents of 91st St. favored doing just 91st St. 6 were infavor, 3 against. Residents of Nelmark Av. present were all opposed to paving Nelmark Av. Motion was made by Lloyd Beaudry to continue the hearing at a future date. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Page 2. Continuation of the August 3, 1981 meeting. Engineer Pete Raatikka presented the plans and specifications for the Bituminous Paving projects of Otsego Acres 1st and 2nd Ad- ditions, Vasseurs Oak Grove Estates, 80th St. one mile West from Co. 19 to Kadler Av., then North on Kadler Av. 2 mile to 85th St. and then West on 85th St. to the Monticello - Otsego Town line. Motion by William Schulz to accept the plans and specifications and to advertise for bids on the projects, bids to he accepted on or before 10:00 a.m. August 31, 1981, with the bids to be opened at that time. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. After further discussion on the Great River Acres bituminous street paving project, Lloyd Beaudry made the motion that due to the lateness of the construction esason, present high interest rates and poor Bond Mar- ket, another hearing on the Great River Acres project will be postponed until February, 1982. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Bill Radzwill reported to the Board that he had completed a draft of the proposed Firearms Control Ordinance for the Township. He sug- gested to the Board that they invite Sheriff Darrell Wolff and the Wright County Attorney to attend a Town Board Meeting to discuss the proposed ordinance with them as they will be required to assest in enforcing ordinance. The Board requested Betty Adkins to contact the Sheriff and County Attorney in regards to their attending a board meeting. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to approve the application of Rodney John- son for a variance to expand his attic by adding a dormer to his house. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Discussion was held concerning the mobile home on the Kenneth Davis farm occupied by his daughter and family. The conditional use permit for the trailer has expired. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to recommend granting a one year extension of the conditional use permit and by the end of one year the mobile home must be removed or legal action will be taken to have it removed. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed. Proceeding as a board of audit the Town Board audited and allowed verified accounts Nos. 185 to 219 inclusive. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: