08-31-1981 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 31st County of Wright day of August, 1981.to receive bids for the bitu- Town of Otsego minous paving of 2 projects, Otsego Acres 1st 2nd Additions and Vasseurs Oak Grove Estates as one project and 80th Stl one mile West from Co. 19 to Kadler Av, then North on Kadler Av. z mile to 85th St. and then West on 85th St. 1 mile to the Otsego - Monticello town line. The Bidders were requested to bid the projects two ways; one bid for immediate construction and a second alternative bid which would allow the township to postpone construction and the sale of bonds for up to 240 days. The bids were received and opened at 10:00 a.m. on August 31, 1981. The bids and bidders were as follows: Total Base Bid Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. ?370.00 Valley Paving, Inc. 245,086.50 N.D.H. Inc. 243,489.50 Alternative Bid $i23,1557UO 247,893.00 249,349.50 The Town Board convened at 8:00 p.m. August 31, 1981 to consider the bids.Present were Chairman William Schulz, Supervisors Lloyd Beaudry, and Douglas Lindenfelser, Clerk Jerome Perrault, Engineer Pete Raatikka and Attorney Bill Radzwill. Bill Radzwill addressed the Board and explained that the Engineer had requested bids for now and an alternative bid for construction in the spring of 1982 reason being because the present Bond Market has a high interest rate of around 12% and hopefullyby waiting intil Feb" ruary, 1982, to sell the bonds a better (lower) interest rate could be obtained. He recommended that the Board consider the Alternative Bids and wait for a better Bond Market, probably in February, 1982. Pete Raatikka Engineer recommended that the project be awarded to Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. The low bidder, a local reliable contractor, since their alternative bid was only $1,185.00 more than their base bid, the Town Board would have the option of waiting up to 240 days and selling bonds at a later date. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to accept the alternative bid of Buffalo Bituminous Inc. at $223,155.00 and to delay the start of construction and the sale of bonds for up to 240 days. Seconded by Douglas Linden- felser, passed unanimously. A petition was received at the meeting signed by nearly all resi- dents of Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates requesting that the streets in Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates (87th Street and part of O'Brian Av.) not be included in the project and not be paved. The Board requested Engin- eer Pete Raatikka to contact Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. to see if they would consider eliminating that part of the project as they had already' bid the project. On motion the meeting adjourned. Attest: