11-16-1981 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 16th County of Wright day of November, 1981 at 8:OOp.m. William Schulz Town of Otsego Chairman, Douglas Lindenfelser and Lloyd Beaudry Supervisors, Betty Adkins, Assistant Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman William Schulz. Min- utes of the Nov 2, 1981 Town Board Meeting were approved as read. Ron Black Appeared before the Board to request a conditional use permit to establish a legal office in his home for temporary use. He appeared before the Otsego Planning Commission and they have approved his request. Motion by William Schulz to approve the request for a conditional use permit. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. The report of the Committee to study and evaluate h Firearem Control Ordinance for the township was presented to the meeting by Chaurman William Schulz. Consensus of the report was that the present existing state laws will control the use of firearms with the assistance of the County Sheriff if the public were made aware of these laws. The Committee recommended that a copy of the report and the existing laws be made available to the public by mailing and/or publication. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to follow the Committee recommendations to inform the public of the report and existing state laws by mailing and/ or publication. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed, unanimously. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to conduct an informational meeting on the proposed Bituminous paving project of the streets in Great River Acres. After further discussion the Board decided that to try to include the Great River Acres project along with projects already approved would delay the sale of Bonds too much. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to rescind the previous motion and reconsider the informational meeting on the Great River Acres bituminous praying project in February 1982. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unan- imously. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to have Bill Radqwill in attendance at the Dec. 7, 1981 town board meeting to provide legal assistance in adopting a resolution to proceed with the sale of bonds to finance the road im- provement projects of the bituminous paving of the streets in Otsego Acres 1st and 2nd Additions and 80th St. one mile West from Co. 19 to Kadle r Av., then North on Kadler Av. 2 mile to 85th St. and then West on 85th St. to the Monticello - Otsego Town line. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: