12-21-1981 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 21st County of Wright day of December, 1981 at 8:00 p.m. William Schulz Town of Otsego Chairman, Lloyd Beaudry, Douglas Lindenfelser, Supervisors, Jerome Perrault Clerk, Betty Adkins, Assistant Clerk, Bill Radzwill, Attorney were present. The minutes of of the Dec. 7, 1981 town board meeting were approved as read. Attorney Bill Radzwill addressed the meeting concerning the sale of bonds for road improvement projects. He said interest rates did drop for a short period of the time in November but have risen again. He advised the Board to sell 8 year maturity bonds as he felt the interest rates would be better tan on longer term bonds. He felt the best time to sell the bonds would be in Fehruary. Richard Gardner appeared before the Board to request a conditional use permit to construct a sign to advertise a home occupation service of Home Construction, Carpentry and Truss Building. He was considering con- structing a 32 sq.ft. sign. Motion by Lloyd Beaudry to approve the conditional use permit to erect the sign, with the provision that the sign be removed if the business should cease. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. The term of Will Nordin on the Planning Commission is expired. The Board took the position that if he wishes to continue they will re -ap- point him, otherwise they will consider other applicants. Chairman William Schulz will contact Mr. Nordin. Motion by William Schulz to grant permission to Betty Adkins to attend the 26th Annual Institute of Building Officials at the U.of M. St. Paul Campus. Seconded by Lloyd Beaudry, passed unanimously. On motion, the meeting adjourned.. Attest: