01-04-1982 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 4th County of Wright day of January, 1982 at 8:00 p.m. William Schulz Town of Otsego Chairman, Lloyd Beaudry and Douglas Lindenfelser, Supervisors, Betty Adkins, Assistant Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman William Schulz. The minutes of the Dec. 21, 1981 Town Board meeting were approved as rea. The application of Brue Lubbke to attach 2 more acres to the one acre lot he Low owns in the E 1/2 of the SE of Sec. 34, Range 24, was approved by the Town Board. Proceeding as a board of audit, the Town Board audited and allowed verified accounts Nos. 356 to 406 inclusive. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: enftropppern011CVS01112weeppeat.